Vid: Now Might Be A Good Time For Something Heroic

May 21, 2022 09:10

vid by flowspuffy

Title: Now Might Be A Good Time For Something Heroic
Creator: flowspuffy
Era/season/setting: Season 5
Rating: PG

Notes: Two years ago I made a Playmobil Spuffy couple for Seasonal Spuffy. They lived happily on my bookshelf ever since but as of late, they have started complaining about the quietness of their lives. They really wanted to go out and fight some baddies. So, I gave them a Winnebago and some Knights of Byzantium and made a Playmobil stop motion film (with the invaluable assistance of both my sons who know more about Playmobil and video making than I do). I hope you enjoy it
You can find the post here

Please make comments on DW (if you can) because flowspuffy doesn't have an LJ.

creator: flowspuffy, form: vid, era: btvs s5, rating: other

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