So, I’m finally done with my graduation thesis! (Or at least version one, now waiting for my teacher’s opinion on it...)
I actually wrote 80+ pages on karaoke in Japan, managed to get away for short vacations twice, and was only two days late for the deadline! XD Ha. I feel like I can very well start writing novels now. XD
This was actually some work though, especially that I wasn’t too keen on writing the thing. Phew! But now that it's over, I’m pretty much free for the time being - the only thing I really have to do is to look for a dress, and a gift for the occasion of my friend’s upcoming wedding. ^^; Which is actually the very first wedding of a friend and not some far relative I’m gonna attend, so I’m kinda excited about it!
But besides that, there are only books to be read, mangas likewise (promised myself I’d finally try reading Nana, especially that my best hometown friend won’t stop obsessing over it), movies to be seen, music to be listened to, letters to be answered, HxH to be rewatched! I’ve been longing for this kind of nerdy vacations for some time now. :D And I still do remember I promised to translate the HxH drama CDs for the community here!
As for HxH, I’ve gotta admit I haven’t had too much to do with it lately - I’ve got this promise with my brother that we only watch the new episodes together (that’s how we watched the old series a few years ago), and since we’re in different places now, that puts the whole plan on hold. Can't wait to see Gen’ei Ryodan!...
To console myself if just a little, in the meantime I watched a HxH TV special featuring the seiyuu cast (props to
willeke4439 for spreading the news), and it was really fun! :D Aww, you just can’t not adore Gumi-tan~! I love the chemistry between her and Riiya, I bet they’re having lots of fun together outside work too! I totally hope the HxH anime will still continue until the next time I manage to go to Japan, so I can catch them doing a live show somewhere! ♥
Also, I learned that my reasoning was right - Paku Romi was actually chosen for Pakunoda’s role because of her name. Such a clever move. xD;; And she’s always so cool in RL too! ♥
Besides, this~! :D
The official HxH guidebook that is. :D I got it thanks to my kind Japanese friend ^^ she was so nice to order a copy for me from Amazon (a used one for some 50 yen, and 350 yen of shipping XD it’s in excellent condition though!), and then her mom brought with her it when she came to visit Poland recently.
I love the shininess of the cover! I expected it to be a regular book, so its pika pika quality kinda caught me off-guard. xD; Also, the pull-out poster is really nice, especially
this side. I’ve been a fan of this image since I found it somewhere on the net, plus it kinda fits the current vacation season. ^^ Notice the very Togashi-like gracious flying creatures, and Kurapika resting like a lady! xD
As for the contents, I only flipped through it so far, but to be honest, I’m a little bit disappointed - seems that it’s mostly stuff you’d already know anyway, if you’ve been following the manga closely. My friend owns a similar thing from Shaman King, and it contains things such as made-up interviews with the characters, so I’d been hoping for some fun stuff like that... Also, it feels a bit incomplete when it only covers the beginning of the ant arc.
One bit of info that surprised me a little though - Kurapika is actually taller than myself! 171 cm! Since he looks so short compared to Leorio, and in general manga and anime characters tend to be pretty much Japanese height, I’d thought he’d be around 160-something. Gon and Killua are also taller than I’ve imagined! I’m 169.5 cm, btw. XD
Also speaking of the ant arc, I’ve seen many fans expressing doubt if it’s ever gonna be made into the new anime. I wonder! That’s surely no kids-safe stuff to be broadcasted every Sunday morning - though maybe Japanese have a somewhat different view here, honestly idk.