S3 2015: Notice on Prompter Reveals

Jul 18, 2015 22:03


First of all, congratulations to all Season Three writers for sticking it through thus far! We understand that it hasn’t been easy, with three prompts to consider in the same fic. You are all troopers and we wish you all the best for the final lap!

Second, thank you all for your speedy responses regarding the email we have sent out. A few days ago, we sent an email to participants about when the identity of the prompter should be revealed, if at all, during Season Three. There were three options provided:
  1. Revealing the identity of the prompters when we post the fic. E.g.: Quote: quote here (prompt by username) and the same goes for image and song.
  2. Revealing the identity of the prompters during reveals.
  3. Not revealing the identity of the prompters during neither postings nor reveals.
Participants who have dropped out will not have their identity revealed at all, rest assured :)

The most popular choice seems to be option 2! Therefore, we will only reveal the identity of the prompters during reveals. We have read all of your opinions and suggestions, and we hope to reach a decision that can benefit most, if not all, participants.

Prompters cannot reveal themselves in the comments prior to postings, but they are still encouraged to drop a comment as a reader! That way, we still have a sense of mystery. Σ(*ノ´>ω<。`)ノ The prompters will be revealed during reveals, and will be attached to each fic posted. We feel that this would be most convenient, as all information (link to fics, details, prompts and prompters) will be centralised in a single post.

That being said, please drop us an email if you’re uncomfortable about revealing your own prompts and prefer to remain anonymous.

If you have any questions regarding this, drop us an email at comebackmods@gmail.com. We will do our best to make sure everyone’s comfortable!

Your friendly neighborhood mods,
thunggyu and troqes

#mod, #season 3 - round 1

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