The Hanging Day (Roy Mustang)

Feb 22, 2010 12:01

This was done for the Fanfic_Bakeoff community in LJ. (Go Team Cake!) You only have 100-300 words, so it is tough, but it is fun to work within those limits.

Title: The Hanging Day
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Author: Seaweed_FMA
Words: 300 (that was tough to pair it down from 375 words to 300)
Rating: R, for talk of death and character death
Summary: Roy Mustang knew this day would come.
Warnings: Set after the series, mostly manga based. Character death.

The executioner raised his hand, silencing the crowd. 'At least they stopped throwing fruit.' he lamented.

“We are here to put a traitor and murderer to death.” The hooded man started. Roy quickly tuned him out. He knew the horrible things that he had done throughout his life.

The alchemist scanned the crowd that had gathered to watch him die. He didn't see any of his coworkers. Roy had ordered them to not come- the last thing he wanted to was for them to watch him hang.

“...Any last words, killer?” He tuned back in time to hear the executioner's words. Roy raised his head proudly and scanned the crowd again. “I will go to my grave knowing that I did this country a favor by removing a corrupt leader who did sent our sons to war and...Oof!” Another piece of fruit to his gut stopped his speech.

“Roy Mustang. For your crimes against this country and it's people, you will die.” They didn't even give him the honor of addressing him by his rank.

The rope was moved around his head. His heartbeat quickened, but he kept his head held high. Roy had known that this was inescapable, and he had been trying to prepare mentally for it. But preparing for your own death only worked so well when it was about to happen.

A cheer arose from the crowd when the executioner put his hand on the lever. As Roy's eyes scanned the crowd again, he recognized a blond-haired head. His eyes went wide. No! She wasn't supposed to be here!


The rest of the word caught in his throat, unsaid, when the lever was pulled and the floor dropped beneath him, sending the Flame Alchemist to his untimely, but inevitable end.

roy mustang, fan fiction, one shot fic, fullmetal alchemist, fanfic_bakeoff, riza hawkeye

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