this day sucks...

Aug 05, 2011 19:25

I had an AWFUL day. I was hoping to curl up with a good FMA RP but no one is on ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

inuyashanohime August 5 2011, 23:27:45 UTC
:((((( I'm sorry.........


sairei August 6 2011, 04:31:08 UTC
Nooo, I really hope things get better. :(


bay115 August 6 2011, 05:17:21 UTC
Man, many of my LJ friends have been getting bad days. :< Sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will get better after the weekend. *hugs*

I know I said this many times, but don't worry about not making progress yet over my story. Life happens. I'm sure though you'll get to it eventually!

Haha, so far I have been only able to find Roy/Riza angst stuff. D: There should indeed be more Roy/Riza family fluff to counter that! XD


strandedthought August 6 2011, 05:43:43 UTC
Sorry to hear about bad days D:

Hopefully, they get better soon.

And yes, Roy/Riza family fluff is needed. Have a very post-series slightly fluffy drabble:

He pulled her closer as she shivered against the wind. “Do you want to head back?”

She shook her head. “We’re on a mission, Sir.”

“Riza,” he huffed.

She chuckled at his exasperation. “We promised Jean’s grandson that we’d bring him some Aerugon shells from the beach,” she reminded him.

“And it didn’t cross our minds that we’re too old to be collecting shells?” he asked.

“Roy, you might be an old man, but I’m still a couple years behind you.”

“I am not old, just aged to perfection,” he mumbled.

“You’re the one who said it,” she pointed out.


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