hmmmm ...

Mar 19, 2011 10:21

At lauds this morning before Mass in honour of St Joseph, one of the prayers was this:

Joseph took the child Jesus into his care, loving and accepting him as his own Son: may we accept all that God gives us, and care for those entrusted to us.


St Joseph knew that the child in Mary's womb was not his - and yet, in obedience to the call of the Angel, he proceeded to complete the betrothal between Mary and him by bringing Mother and Child into his home and caring for them both until his death.

In our lives many come and go - and everyone touches our lives (and we theirs).

I firmly believe that regardless of who we meet - even random people - that there is a reason for that "colliding" of our personal universes - and we are all called to find and live out that reason.

So each person one encounters in life is a "project" - some of these projects are transient, some mid term, some more long term and some totally permanent. But each coming and going with a reason. Each one we meet in life is someone entrusted to us.

Sometimes, we hurt individuals and these individuals hurt us in return, or sometimes for NO reason at all, these individuals hurt us and for equally NO reason, we hurt others. But nevertheless, we are all called to LIVE our lives regardless and to care for those entrusted to us.

It is important to remember and to accept that just as individuals come into one's lives, that when it is time, we have to allow them to go from our lives. Sometimes they return to us, sometimes they don't. It should not matter. What matters is rather : How we cared for these people entrusted to us. Especially whilst they were with us.

It is difficult to care for people at the best of times, and especially when they have caused deep hurts to us. But nevertheless, we need to rise up against our human nature to "get even" and to break vicious cycles and stop their perpetuation.

Often times, the STOP, has to START from us.

I pray the liturgy of the Hours

will you join me ?

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