The hiatus is over. Yahoo!
I liked this episode. But I generally like all episodes of Supernatural so that's not saying much.
I wasn't really into the ghoul angle. And the third brother bit, while it did add some drama, didn't match the hype the spoilers had generated.
However, I thought there were cool moments. The camera work in the one scene where Sam is telling Adam about the family buisness was great, with Sam in the foreground and Dean hanging out in the background. It emphasizes how distant that two of them have become.
Dean's reaction to Adam was good. It's just more evidence of the life that he's been deprived of. The best Sam centric scene moment of the episode was after Dean cuts Sam loose from the table and Sam looks at his wrists. I couldn't tell if he was focused on how much pain he was in or how much demon blood he had lost...
One thing that bothered me about the episode was how easy it was for the ghouls to get the jump on Sam. If he's powerful enough to kill Alastair, someone who gave Castiel a run for his money, shouldn't he be able to deal with just two ghouls?
Next week's episode. We get Castiel/Jimmy and it looks like we get Anna too. Sweet!