"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father! Prepare to die!" I yelled with gusto and our blades clanked heavily, but expertly, against each other as I forced him backward. The pain from my stomach was increasing, but my adrenaline was pumping too strongly to stop now.
"Stop saying that!"he bellowed back at me.
But I had the advantage, and I had his sword off balance.
"Offer me riches!" I say as I flick my blade across his cheek, the same way he had done to me twenty years ago.
"Yes." He hissed.
"Power too! Promise me that!" and I cut his other cheek.
"All that I have and more... please."
"Give me everything I ask for."
"Anything you want." He tried once again to fight me off, but I caught his sword arm raised it out of the way so I could have a clear shot, and I rammed my sword into him and said "I want my father back you son of a bitch."
The very sword that started this ended it as well.
That was a good day. It released me. It released my father. It released Ruegen too, but into what, I would not dare to fathom.
Yes, quotes from the movie. I simply had to.
*huggles Lees for beta-ing.