Characters: Kitten, Derek, and...
Time: after being pirates, yarr!
Location: Starbucks, Blackstone Hotel
Content: Curiosity won't kill this Kitten, but she may get a little stuck trying to help. Derek will find himself in a very strange situation...
Format: prose at start
Warnings: Derp-cute thread may cause cavities and pain in the sides due to increased laughter. you should not read derp-cute thread if you are writing angst tag for there is an increased risk of not getting in the right mood. Prolonged exposure to derp-cute thread is actually awesome and decrease stress. Contact your doctor if derp-cute thread does not have the intended effects as that may be a sign of having a heart of stone. (Music helps cure that by the way.)
Derek sat at the Starbucks, coffee in hand. He enjoyed not having pounding voices and melodies in his head. He was not enjoying this thing in his hair and tugged at it occasionally in between sips of coffee.
He opted to ignore what he couldn't change and move on to... Somehow coffee was going to fix everything that had just happened. He wasn't sure how and didn't care.