Dec 08, 2005 15:51
I had a pissed off, emotional, important entry here, but in the interest of not screwing up what little I still have, I'm taking it down.
Its fucking 5:30 and all I feel like doing is screaming of people an going to sleep. I wish I had someone to scream at. I wish there was someone I felt like I could talk to.
Sweet fucking dreams everyone.
Dec 05, 2005 18:43
Lately, everything seems to remind me about everything I've missed out on in life.
. . . and everything I'm missing out on now.
Nov 22, 2005 08:56
So there's no light at the end of the tunnel, at least that means we're still alive~
Nov 16, 2005 20:11
Just so you know, just because you're friended here doesn't mean you'll have access to all my locked entries. And they'll all be locked at different levels after this.