132 Words of General Fic. Hurt!Dean. <333
Inspired by bloody lip manip created by
lovelylora which can be found
Dean staggered backward to lean awkwardly against the hotel room wall. He lowered his eyes to his hands. He saw his fist clenched around Ruby‘s knife, the memento of evil he could not discard. He hated that knife. His other hand trembled, a good sign that all his humanity hadn’t slipped away after all. He glanced past his hands at the fresh corpse he’d made - a pool of spreading out beneath the limp shell the demon and hostage human soul had vacated moment prior. He reached up to his face, drawing a sting from his lip. He drew back his hand and found blood smeared over the pad of his thumb and forefinger. With another gentle dab he discovered that the blood dribbled from his plump lip to his scruffy chin.