weekend hasnt been too shabby, hung out a lot, but just now it seems a sense of uncertainty has settled in. o well, ill deal. the end
the one and only deet
Once there was two kings, who ruled a nation great and wide. Sure, they had a few problems here and there, but overall, the nation was ruled nicely. One day, walking in the forest, they stumbled upon a castle. The first king said that he liked it, and was interested in having it. The second king realized he had once had that same castle, but gave it up after a while. The second king told the first king that he could take it. It wasnt until the first king had moved in that the second king realized he missed that castle and really wanted it back. So he told some fibs and got the first king to move out. The second king moved into the castle secretly, and was fine until the first king found out. Outraged, the first king lay seige to the castle for a few days, until he gave up and left for the far end of the nation. Things changed for the second king. The nation was soon divided with its leaders so far apart. The second king was quite content with his castle, it was great, until the king in his empty castle began to feel weird. Everything was great, but he couldnt tell what was wrong, what felt weird. something certainly didnt feel right. So he ventured out to see the first king. To his suprise, the first kings nation was flourishing, better off than when both the kings ruled. The first king had shown no sadness over the loss of his partner, and had even seemed to have replaced the second king with a different king. The first king was even on his way to getting a great new castle of his own. The first king said hi to the second, but left to go back to his castle. The second king really wanted to say something, but nothing came out. The second king wanted to get back with the first king but stay in his castle, but the first king said nothin and showed no interest in either. So the second king turned and walked back to his castle, to ponder things.
sure, its no happy ending, its not even an ending. but if i knew the ending, it woudl be there.