Picspam and Quote-spam ♥
I was saddened by the lack of quotes I found at wikiquote for Generation Kill, so I decided to go through an type out my favorite lines. This then led to capping pictures to go with said quotes. I hope you enjoy!
What is a Recon Marine, exactly?
Recon Marines go through much of the same training as do Navy SEALs and Army Special Forces soldiers. They are physical prodigies who can run twelve miles loaded with 150-pound packs, then jump in the ocean and swim several more miles, still wearing their boots and fatigues, and carrying their weapons and packs. They are trained to parachute, scuba dive, snowshoe, mountain climb and rappel from helicopters. Fewer than 2 percent of all Marines who enter in the Corps are selected for Recon training, and of those chosen, more than half wash out.
Generation Kill by Evan Wright (pg 9)
Get Some
Garza: How does it feel motherfucker? How’s it feel to be fucking dead?
Lilley: Bro, it feels sad. I feel very alone. And also, I gotta take a shit.
Poke: It's Destiny Dawg. White Man's gotta rule the world.
Poke: Shit you know she is my cousin.
Nate: No sit-rep s to JLo's status.
Ray: I love you Fruity Rudy!
Ray: I had to suck on an officer's cock to get these.
Ray: Jeff you realize you are a communist.
Sixta: Police dat moostache! Ya'll startin to look like Elvis'.
Trombley: Army? Fuck that.
Ray: Dear Frederick. Thank you for your nice letter. But I am actually a US Marine who was born to kill, where as you have clearly mistaken me for some sort of wine sipping Communist dick-suck. And although peace probably appeals to tree loving bisexuals like you and your parents, I happen to be a death-dealing blood crazed warrior who wakes up everyday just hoping for the chance to dismember my enemies and defile their civilizations. Peace sucks a hairy asshole Freddie. War is the mother fucking answer.
Poke: Thanks for writing anyway!
Manimal: Your pal Ray.
Ray: Happy day fucking horseshit.
Ray: He wrote beaver hunt. Oh shit he must have those polaroids of your mom.
Rudy: Relax my Manimal. Pappy will get you fixed up.
Pappy: We all got jobs to do. Sgt Major Sixta’s job is to be an asshole. And he excels at the position.
Rudy: Potatohead at your six.
Brad: In the infinite wisdom of who ever runs the military post exchange stores, they won’t sell this stuff to military personnel. For civilians like yourself, the sky’s the limit.
Reporter: And why is that?
Ray: To keep us angry. If marines could get what they need when they needed it, we would be happy, and we wouldn’t be ready to kill people all the time. See, the Marine Corps is like America’s little pit bull. They beat us, mistreat us, and once in a while let us out to attack somebody.
Brad: This platoon is going down over an espresso maker.
Ray: We pimpin.
Brad: Can I enjoy one final moment of the fruits of civilization?
Stafford: I am free ballin all the way to Baghdad.
Brad: Wake up Trombley, you're missing the invasion.
Sixta: You has until o'dark hundred to unfuck yourself.
Rudy: I wear clothes that are body conscious.
Brad: Personal feelings, sir?
Brad: Good Garza, be magnanimous
Ray: Hey buddy it's ten in the morning don't you think you should change out of your pajamas?
Ray: I'm on it like a motherfucker Brad.
Brad: Stop scribbling it encourages him.
Brad: Aw cute, don't shoot him Garza.
The Cradle of Civilization
Brad: Yes we're the conquering heroes.
Brad:Trombley how dare you question the strategic plan.
Brad:Ray when you're right, you're right
Brad:That song is straight homosexual country music special Olympic gay.
Garza:Semper Gumby, always flexible.
Sixta:Scrape that hippie shit off yet lip.
Ray: Come here and wipe my ass you heartless fuck.
Lilley : Hey Leon I thought you were mexican.
Leon: I am
Lilley: Then why aren't you loud and stealing my shit?
Ray: How come Alpha gets to pop their cherry and we don't?
Brad: They have their mission. We have ours
Poke: What, I just wanted one last cigarette before we all died.
Brad: Sir, how long do we have to sit up here with our nuts out getting shot out before RCT 1 goes unto town?
Nate: Brad we sit here with our nuts exposed But when RCT one assaults over the bridge and we go in behind to get their casualties, we get our nuts blown completely off.
Brad: I smell god damn charms
Brad: Everytime Baptista gets excited his English goes out the fucking window.
Ray: And he’s not even a citizen. He snuck in from whatever fucking grease ball country he’s from and now he is a marine. You know there ought to be some sort of grammar test before you’re out here blowin’ shit up with heavy weapons.
Brad: If they did that, fucking bucktooth, cross eyed, sister fucking hicks like you wouldn’t get in either.
Poke: Hasser I am trading you for a Mexican
Trombley: Sergeant, I didn't get to shoot!
Ray: That fucking sucks, Trombley. Did your recruiting officer tell you you'd get to shoot people?
Trombley: Fucking A he did!
Ray: See, Trombley asked about shooting people. I asked about pussy. The guy told me I'd get to go to Thailand and get all kinds of strange. What'd you ask about, Brad? Brad probably saw that T.V. commercial, the one with the knight that fucks up the dragon that turns into the Marine.
Walt: Woo woo! Dress blues with a sword!
Ray: Fucking dress blues commercial man. That got so many fucking dudes. Now look at us: Trombley hasn't killed anybody, I'm half a world away from good tight pussy, and Colbert is out here rolling around fuckbutt Iraq hunting for dragons in a MOPP suit that smells like four days of piss and ball sweat.
Brad: Got to respect the pajamas.
Ray: Hey Walt can you keep it down I can't hear the artillery.
Ray: Should have rolled into battle with a sword Brad, that would have been badass.
Nate: Observe everything, admire nothing.
Brad: I smell a goddamn CHARMS.
Ray: Fuck yeah I am making this up. It passes the time brother.
Trombley: It's like a halloween funhouse.
Doc Bryan: PFC fucknuts this is an enemy encampment.
Doc Bryan: You ladies complain when you don't get an MRE without a poptart.
Brad: This is plain undignified
Ray: Hello everyone I am michael Jackson
Brad: Thank you, vote republican
Ray: They let him have a map?
And as an addition to this post I decided to type up the Victor Unit breakdown that I put together! (in case you were wondering…)
Hitman 2-1 Alpha
Driver: CPL Ray Person, RTO
Team Leader: Sgt. Brad Colbert
Gunner: CPL Walt Hasser
Lance CPL Harold James Trombley
Evan “Reporter” “Rolling Stone” Wright
Hitman 2-1 Bravo
Driver: CPL Jason Lilley
Team Leader: Sgt. Tony “Poke” Espera
Gunner: CPL Gabe Garza
CPL Nathan Christopher
CPL Hector Leon
Hitman 2-2
Driver: Sgt Rudy Reyes
Team Leader: Sgt Larry “Pappy” Patrick
Gunner: CPL Anthony “Manimal” Jacks
Sgt Michael Brummeier
CPL James Chaffin
Hitman 2 Command
Driver: GY Sgt Mike “Gunny” Wynn
LT Nate Fick
CPL Evan “Q-tip” Stafford
PFC John Christeson
Hitman 2-3
Driver: Sgt Leandro Baptista
Team Leader: Sgt Steven Lovell
Gunner: CPL Michael Stinetorf
Navy HM2 Tim “Doc” Bryan
CPL Teren Holsey
all caps by
secondstarall caps colored by
killmotionquote notation by
secondstar with help from
cinandtonic, and
lepapillon ♥
code help from
reallycorkinghappy birthday
piracy ♥