Contains Fic-Links and Answers to Questions that were never asked.
Absymal Bodies
A Mafia AU in which everyone's either a corrupt official or an underworld mob boss or an assassin. This universe mainly focuses on Comrade Chekov of the largest Russian Organizatsiya this side of Federation Occupied Space and Hikaru-Sama of the Sulu-Aoki Yakuza Clan and their twisted games of sex, death and power.
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek, any mafia members, ninjas, pirates or aliens.
I recommend reading in Written Order.
Written Order:
Provocation - Pavel is pretty when he's provoked
Rating - PG-13
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov
Arc - Stand alone
Need - Sometimes what you want and what you need are not necessarily the same thing
Rating - PG-15
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov
Arc - Stand alone
Poison - ‘If it were anyone else Hikaru-Sama would think he was falling in love with him, but as it is Comrade Chekov he's probably up to something.’
Rating - R
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov
Warnings - Violence and sexytimes. And violent sexytimes.
Arc - Stand alone
Four Minutes - ’Hikaru-Sama has four minutes left before they stop trying to restart his heart.’
Rating - PG-13
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov
Arc - Stand alone
Pearl Flake -
‘Hikaru-Sama never thought he would see the day that Admiral Kirk got married.’
Rating - PG-15
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov
Warnings - Drug use. Sexy times in a bathroom.
Arc - Stand alone
London Calling: Machinery - Pavel’s having trouble sleeping, there’s a conference in London and Scotty calls in a favour.
Rating - PG-13
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov, Scotty, The Tovarishchs (OCs)
Arc - London Calling
Antimony - One time science failed Pasha and one time it didn’t or How Comrade Chekov met the Tovarishchs.
Rating - PG-13
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov (one sided) , The Tovarishchs (OCs)
Arc - Bad Beginnings
Artificial - Ekaterina Andreievna Chekova reflects on how she is different to her siblings.
Rating - PG-13 but discusses death and killing.
Pairing/Characters - Ekaterina Chekova (OC) (References Chekov and other siblings who are also OCs)
Arc - Bad Beginnings
London Calling: Malice - Everyone has their secrets and grudges and Pavel is nothing if not malicious. Continues from Machinery.
Rating - Hard R/NC-17
Pairing/Characters - Sulu/Chekov, Uhura, Mentions of Uhura/Gaila, The Tovarishchs (OCs)
Arc - London Calling
Aversion - Captain Nero is a righteous man. He will stop them. Sooner or later.
Rating - PG
Pairings/Characters - Nero
Arc - Stand Alone
Ablaze - Comrade Chekov doesn’t have a name for this thing between them but oh, how it burns.
Rating - PG
Pairing/Characters - Chekov, reference to Sulu/Chekov
Arc - London Calling
Eye-Scream - Pavel's sister is insane, but don't insult her knitting.
Rating - PG-13
Pairings/Characters - Sulu/Chekov, Anastasia "Natska" Chekova/Dmitri [Both OCs]
Arc - Bad Beginnings
Chronological Order :
Bad Beginnings
AntimonyArtificialEye-Scream ProvocationNeedPoisonFour MinutesPearl FlakeAversion London Calling
Machinery AblazeMalice Coming Up
(In no particular order)
London Calling: Monstrosity
London Calling: Mine
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot [ARC Name]
Burlesque (A 'Bad Beginnings' Story)
Bloodsport Fairytale(Prompt was 'Budding')
Smoke my Cigarette and Hush (A 'Bad Beginnings' Story)
Sketchy Things and Drawrings
(Note: I am not an artist. I just like to doodle. This gives you an idea of what I think the OCs etc look like if you are interested, otherwise you don't miss much by not seeing)
'Concept Sketches' of the Chekov SiblingsHBIC of Comrade Chekov's Girls - Zorya Polunochnaya Everything you never needed to know about Abysmal Bodies but the author is going to tell you anyway
What is Abysmal Bodies
Abysmal Bodies is a Star Trek XI AU set in a dystopian world where everyone has gone wrong. Basically it’s a ‘Mafia AU’.
Everyone’s either a mafia boss or a yakuza oyabun (a Japanese mafia boss) or an assassin. Some of them still work for Starfleet but they’re all corrupt and only looking out for their own best interests.
My stories in this verse focus mainly on Comrade Chekov of the largest Organitzya this side of Federation Occupied Space and Hikaru-Sama, oyabun of the Sulu-Aoki yakuza clan, although the others do show up now and then.
Abysmal Bodies is something of a guilty pleasure for me. I like writing it. I like twisted relationships and angst and stories where absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Abysmal Bodies is non-linear, constantly being re-imagined and has more OCs than you can count on your fingers. It even has an author insert. I'm having fun writing it, and hopefully some will have fun reading it.
Why is this series called Abysmal Bodies
1. 'Underworld' is what we usually call the criminal or mafia type elements. Underworld has also been used to refer to Hell. You know, as in the world under is hell.
2. Planets and other objects in space are sometimes referred to as 'Heavenly Bodies'
3. Another word used to refer to Hell is Abyss.
The wikionary link for 'Abysmal' the adjective form of the noun says:
Abysmal: Pertaining to, or resembling an abyss; bottomless; unending; profound; fathomless; immeasurable.
Geology gives one the same abysmal extent of time that astronomy does of space
Worth noting that Abysmal also means extremely bad.
So there you have it: ABYSMAL BODIES.
Is this related to Syndicate?
No, I'm just going through a mafia phase right now.
While both AUs share some superficial elements like Sulu's scar and his shuriken and Chekov's mad ballet dancing skills that's all. In Syndicate only Sulu and Chekov have mafia ties. In Abysmal Bodies everyone does.
Why are there 'clones'? Are they regular Sulu and regular Chekov?
To answer the second question first - no, they're just clones. As for why - mostly for spare parts. Also, when you're a mob-boss sometime it's useful if you can be in two places at once. 'Sulu' is something of a PA for Hikaru-Sama. 'Pasha' is treated a bit harsher by Comrade Chekov. And when I say 'a bit harsh' I mean the same way a viper is a 'bit venomous'.
What is all this Tovarishch/Comrades nonsense about.
They were born from a party post at
to_boldly_rock. I decided to work them into the fic for Comrade Chekov to have people to interact with and also for the lulz. Yes, Comrade Wodka the governess turned security chief is a blatant author insert and the other tovarishchs are inserts of the author's LJ friends.
Can I be a Comrade?
Well, if you take Comrade Chekov's
Super Scientific Recruitment Questionnaire Survey Thing he may offer you employment if your answers please him (if they do not please him he may shoot you in the face). If selected, pick a codename and you're ready to go.
Note: Please just answer at the post. Do not email or PM me your answers. That way it's easy to link to other people.
Will my character make it into the fic?
Can't promise. But maybe if it fits.
What are the Abysmal Bodies Prompt Memes?
Every so often I'll have an 'alphabet' based prompt meme. Here's how they work:
1. Leave a prompt and I will write you an Abysmal Bodies ficlet.
2. Your prompt must contain one specification that begins with the letter of the prompt meme.
3. Your prompt can be a simple one word prompt for eg - 'Apple', 'Baby'. Or it can be as detailed as you want.
4. Be as inventive as you like
5. You can leave upto five prompts.
For example for the A is for Abyss Meme we had Antimony, Artificial, Aversion and Ablaze.
B is for Bloodsport prompt meme is currently open (and lonely) so you can have a gander if you'd like a ficlet of your very own.
What is Stiletto?
roses_of_athena wrote fanfic of my fanfic focusing on Uhura and Gaila, Uhura's partner in crime in more ways than one. Check it out
Who else writes for Abysmal Bodies?
chuckney wrote a couple of pieces
here and
here. While the first one (Definition?) did not necessarily happen in my version of events, the second one did. London Calling follows directly after it.
Can I write for Abysmal Bodies?
If you want. As long as you credit and link back to this page. Welcome to the mind-fuck. Have fun.
Are you slightly psychotic?
Very possibly. Why do you ask?
If you have a question that is not covered you may ask it and I will try and answer.