Hey, Im guessing you are having some internet issues, or you are just really busy, but there are some mod duties that I dont have the power to control right now.
Your photobucket account is over its limit, so a lot of pics arent working, and just some stupid little things. If I have time, Ill chage over some pics to a new photobucket acount, but that wont be until the weekend probably. And a lot of people have been accepted/rejected, and I dont have the access to change the info list. Just thought youd like to know. I hope all is well.
yeah my computer is/was broken and is at my dads being fixed, i was updating and stamping people from school but they turned the internet off and just turned it back on. i'm hopefully getting my computer back today and i'll finish changing stuff and i really want to change the layout some.
cool, whatever floats your boat. I stamped everyone that I saw while you were gone, but Im just getting back into a new semester, so I might be semi-mia until I get myself in order.
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Your photobucket account is over its limit, so a lot of pics arent working, and just some stupid little things. If I have time, Ill chage over some pics to a new photobucket acount, but that wont be until the weekend probably. And a lot of people have been accepted/rejected, and I dont have the access to change the info list. Just thought youd like to know. I hope all is well.
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