Title: Bait & Switch
Sjlikeslists She wanted: pre-series, friendship, the word "quibble"
She didn’t want: cheating, angst, anything above PG 13
Timeline: Pre-series (or mid-Season One?)
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, etc.
Description: Losing a bet isn't all bad, especially when your best friend's got your back.
Length: 1,800 words
Bait & Switch... )
Comments 5
That said, I remain curious about how this story would have gone if the description of one of them losing a "bed" hadn't been a typo. ;)
This was very cute. I really enjoyed the sense of connection between the two of them that played throughout the whole story. Good job working in "quibble." :)
One small nitpick though: Before season one, Clark would not have send Lana any pictures. She basically didn't know him before the pilot except for "he exists".
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