We're trying for another kid. I can't believe we're doing it, but we are.
It's a good idea, for Vicky, even, I think. She's attention-hungry, and when Mel and Jamie are around she stops; a brother or sister might temper her a little. I know we spoil her (both of us), so, maybe if we've got two to spoil there won't be much spoiling at all.
We're renewing our vows in the summer. We aren't only together because of Victoria. I know that.
[scratched out heavily]
Then there's Tess, and I shouldn't write about her. Rosie won't look in here, but if she does she might kill me. Tess is a mess but fuck knows what'll happen to Jamie if we drop her, if Rosie even would, so between Rex and Mel and Tess and Jamie and Rosie and Vicky and the baby we're trying to have it's an awful fucking lot, and never mind EVERYTHING WE'RE DOING, the most fun we have is when we're bloody trying to conceive past all the work and parenting and shite, meanwhile Tess gets to go off and have her birthday party with Quidditch players and the like.
Never thought my life would turn out like this but I didn't have any other ideas either.
Happy birthday in advance Mary, your gift'll be in the post in the morning. Big project at work tomorrow so I'm not likely to be able to bring it myself, sorry.
My life is boring at the moment. Rosie's good, Victoria's good (she's got a pair of lungs on her, Merlin can she shout when she wants). We've been seeing a lot of Rex's Mel and Tess's Jamie on the weekends in particular. Sometimes I think there's more kids' food here than stuff for us. Still, times are good.