This is a long one, but I swear it's worth reading!

Feb 21, 2005 19:51

I'm in Vancouver for the week for some training at my new job. I love it here. Everytime I come here, I feel like I've come home. But I've never lived here...was born here, but that's another story! So I have decided that I am infatuated with this place. Everything is beautiful to me...even the smog, old dirty buildings and railroad tracks! The sun was shining through the buildings, I went by Kits beach on the bus (oh, my heart aches for the beach!) and there's all these awesome little stores I want to check out. It all seems so wonderful! And the mountains! And the water and the seagulls and the bridges; the people, the produce shops, and the wide variety of cars and old houses...It's all so great! I immediately feel excited and happy when I get here. Indeed, I am in love! ;) To this city, I am definately called. But the time is not yet. And I feel good about that too.

I wrote down some stuff in my personal journal last night too that I'd like to share (but I'll try to sum up). These last 2-3 days have been amazing! I've realized what incredible friends I have and I feel so hopeful and excited about my life and future. I love these days. They definately give me that boost I need in this inbetween time. So here's about last night:

"Tonight I had to catch a late-evening greyhound to get to Vancouver cuz my carpool deal didn't work out...I could get a ride to a coffee shop close to the depot, but I was not looking fwd to walking the 15 minutes by myself cuz I don't feel safe in Abbotsford...esp not in that side of town at 9pm. My friends dropped me off at 8pm. I was missing out of a fun social thing, and was quite discouraged about sitting and having tea with myself (which I usually don't mind). But then, about 2 minutes after I sit down, my friend Sarah walks in...we have tea together (which is super-great, cuz I rarely get to see her) and she drives me to the depot. It was totally a God thing. I felt like God himself sat down to have tea with me...b/c he cares and didn't want for me to be alone or scared.
When I got on the bus, and there was no empty double sits, so I chose to sit with a lovely young lady about my age who was reading a book. We barely said anything; we both just sat down and pulled out our books. I have never felt so bonded to a complete stranger! Just sitting side-by-side reading. It was wonderful. A friend. And I know nothing about her except the title of her book: "Midnight Children". Bless her with your love, Lord. Thank you for her.
At the greyhound station, I needed change for the phone. The man at the counter gave me my quarters and made me laugh. Thank you, Lord, for him. Bless him too. The local bus drivers were very kind. The first one forgot to tell me when my stop was, but helped me get back on track. Bless him. A lady on the bus was kind enough to let me know I'd missed it. Lord, bless her for caring enough to say something instead of "minding her own business". The next bus driver announced each stop. Thank you for his kindness. Bless him too.
When I got off, I was scared and couldn't find a phone. I didn't know where to go next. Lord, bless the man at the Petro-can who helped me find Safeway. Thank you for the delightful young man in Safeway who showed me the phone. Bless him, Lord, with your unconditional love, guidance, and acceptance. Thank you for his smile. I crossed he street and walked up to my friend's place in the dark. Thank you, Jesus, for the police car protrolling near me so I was reminded that you keep me safe. Thank you for calming my fears.
Thank you for Deanna who stayed up way long her bedtime and thought nothing of it, but greeted me with a smile and warm hug. Thank you for not just a couch, but a futon to sleep on, wider than even my own bed. Thank you for this warm cozy place, for my journal, my Bible, my lime green stuffed turtle, and cute PJs. Thank you for a purpose and direction. Thank you for this peace, and for the 5 1/2 hours of sleep I'll get tonight that for this happiness that is far better than any good night's sleep. Thank you for the calm after the storm. Peace, Be still."

Thank you for friends who care enough to have lasted this long to read this whole thing. Thank you for people to share in my happiness.
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