
Jan 20, 2010 06:05

I've been having cracked out dreams on a nightly basis. I semi-remember them too because right when I wake up I rant to Andi about them. Anyways, for record keeping purposes, here are the recent ones as copy and pasted from Andi conversations because I'm a lazy bum.

okay there was a party at shosh's house and it must have been a costume party or halloween or something because I was in a ridiculous dress and I can't remember a lot but I had driven there in my dad's car annyways there were like fifty cakes there and I had to go to the bathroom but the bathroom was weird as hell, it was like one small toilet and one even smaller toilet and there was a bunch of weird shit going on so I was in the bathroom forever trying to figure out how to use this toilet and people were knocking on the door because other people had to use the bathroom and I was like HOLD ON and I can't remember a large chunk but THEN I'm about to leave the party and I go outside to find my dad's car and there are policemen ticketing and I'm like oh shit i forgot about the three AM rule and I freak out a little and think maybe they towed the car but then I remember I parked it two houses down so I walk there and find it and roya's sitting in it and I'm like wtf and she's like oh yeah, I'm taking your car and I'm like no you're not and she's like yeah your dad called me and told me to and I'm likebut we're leaving soon and she's like I can't help you and drives off and I'm like what the fuck! then I go back to shosh's and she's lik ewhat do I do with all this cake and then I'm somehow in a car and like everyone is jam packed into it including valerie perrin who is this chick I was best friends with in 2nd grade or some shit. weird as hell. and I'm like sorry guys, I don't have the keys, roya took the car. then I call my dad and he's like I needed the car back and I'm like tell her to bring it back here, I need to get home! and he's like oh, well if I knew you were coming home I would have. and then the car starts rolling slowly. and it's rolling like really freaking slow and we're like maybe we can just roll all the way home, but we have no control over speed or anything and we come to a hill and start rolling really fast and can't stop it or anything
and that's all I remember

It was very video gamie. There was like an underground part with ghosts trying to kill me
then there was a really high up building part with like... satanic minotaurs with chainsaws
and I had to jump off the roof and as I was jumping I looked down and I was like shit this was a bad choice

So it started off I was going on a trip with sheng and I think shoshana, but i'm not 100% sure it was her and I forget the whole beginning part of the dream but at the end we were on a bus and our driver got off to get something and then someone pressed something and bus started and was driving without him then later we got to this bridge and I guess there had been an accident on it earlier because the left side of it was knocked off and it was all bloody and there was a light snow covering it and there was something wrong with the bus so everyone had to go over to the right side so that we could try to cross this bridge and not fall off the left side and die, and right when we finally got to the center the bridge opened and we slid back off of it and had to start all over.
But the image of the bridge was really awesome/creepy

so it started out it was me and three friends (but I have no idea who), and we were going to some exclusive movie showing or some shit and there were these older men sitting at our table and when the movie was over I went to hug one goodbye and he tried to stick his tongue down my throat but I dodged it then me and the three friends were all running but I was running faster and this truck came and they thought I got hit by it but I was just past it anyways apparently we were running because we were heroes and had to save some bitches and there were like multiple situations with one bad guy in a smallish room and a bunch of people tied up and gagged and I would telekinesis the badguys against the wall and we'd free the people but my telekinesis didn't work ALL the time and the last bad guy I telekinesised him against the wall and then my partners were all just sitting around one was like on a laptop in the midst of all the bound and gagged people and the telekinesis stopped working and he did some bad guy magical thing and like poisoned me through a handshake or something and that's all I remember

Andi told me I probably have a brain dysfunction causing all these messed up dreams.


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