This came earlier this week.
Some roving, dark brown.
Some more fabric scrabs. I'm gonna add this to my collection and I'm hoping to make a rug/bath mat out of it.
Beads and shiny stuff to spin with roving. I was actually looking to try some of this, so this is awesome! seems to have eaten the picture of the yarn. I'll have to dig around and see if I can find it. My pal also sent 3 balls of yarn in greens and brown to felt with, which I've been meaning to try as well. I think I might make some coasters for the house!
Also, in my first package my pal sent me some Savoy yarn in red. I finally used it.
I joined a
Traveling Scarves (Ravelry link) on Ravelry and decided to use the yarn for my scarf. It will be the first section (as pictures) and the last section, when I get it back. I'm so excited!
Thanks pal, you've been awesome! You seemed really in touch with my tastes, so that was cool! Now, who are you? XD