My pal is teh awsum!

May 01, 2008 07:44

My secret pal is the greatest! Right in the middle of a long week, I get a super snazzy package!

I got a fourth installment of chocolate (I'm going to be on a constant sugar high for quite a while) and a cool CD of "Powerful Mood Music" I'm looking forward to it because my last CD introduced me to a great new artist (I love Vienna Teng now!). My pal has also figured out my obession with hats and sent me an A-Z organized folder of many many hat patterns! I'm super excited. I'm going to have about 12 hours in the car this weekend, so I'm definitely going to have to start one of those patterns.

And last, but certainly not least, my pal sent me a monster. He sat by my computer at work all afternoon and finally introduced himself as Herman. My coworkers wanted to steal him, so he came home with me and tried to make friends with Larry my cactus.

Larry wasn't too friendly, but he is kind of pokey. The boy was also not nearly as impressed by Herman as he should have been.

I think that Herman will have to travel with me and be part of a photo journal. I foresee much fun in this!

Okay super amazing pal, reveal yourself!
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