❝In the beginning, there was only
a churning turmoil of chaos.
At the heart of chaos, where all
things became one, appeared an Egg.
Having tumbled from the vortex, the
Egg gave rise to the Original One.
From itself, two beings the Original
One did make.
Time started to spin.
Space began to expand.
From itself
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What are the other three that writing speaks of?
The three that were born after Dialga and Palkia were the guardians of Sinnoh's lakes; Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf.
I also have mythology collected about them.
I'd be interested in seeing what mythology you have one them, too.
Maybe next time, then.
My name is Cynthia. What's your name, trainer? [That's right, she spotted it a mile away.]
Name's Silver - from the Kanto/Johto region. [Sorry, that name does not ring a bell with him.] Next time?
Ah, I'm from Sinnoh. [That's cool, she chose not to announce her title.] Well, yes! I thought I'd share some of our world's mythology with people of other worlds during my stay.
Hmp. I'll look forward to learning about the myths you have of Sinnoh, then.
If he's captured a legendary, I think that proves he's not as weak as you say. Legendary pokemon will not serve the weak or impure of heart.
Hmph. He's still a weakling. [Because he's a bleeding heart who's nice to his tools. :|]
Why's that?
Those that lecture how to be 'nice' to Pokemon... they're weak and they never win against me. [Liar Liar pants on fire. You lost to at least three gym leaders back home, Silver.]
[There's a mischievous little chuckle here...]
Why don't you challenge me, then?
I'm wearing all black.
[And true to his word, Silver is there soon enough, hands shoved into his pockets.]
Welcome, Silver. I am Cynthia. If you are prepared to battle, then I will battle you.
This will be irrevocable proof that those who love their pokemon dearly can be strong; if that's what you're seeking in this battle. I will accept your challenge as I have all challenges before me, and confine myself to the rules I normally abide by in battle. You have the first attack, if you accept the challenge.
[Come at me bro.]
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