I give up,okay?!
Tomorrow we'll wake up in time to stop this double suicide through kisses laced with cyanide and one last look through blood shot eyes. I guess this is what they call killing yourself in small doses.
amanda and me.
hey look. I love her
gorgeous girls.<2
mexiiii,my babby girrl! :)
SURFS UP. that water bed was great . haha
That's just my best friend. (=
Me and Sonja. She's so pretty. <3!
ashley tooo!!
she was dead.
mmm, It's a new year. It has to be better than 04'. Definately.
we fuckin graduate in 4 months and 19 days. WHAAAT?!
RESOLUTIONS.ARE DUMB. haha. But, since it's a new year.. and kinda a new start..
I'm not gonna get pissed about every little thing.
no sweatin the small stuff ;) You know.
No hating best friends named Sarah because of gay boys that like us both at the same time.
<3 loving Markie every single day of the year.
growing up for God's sakes
... getting things back to how they were?
or hoow they should be?
Anyways, hope for august is playing on friday.. and I wanna see them.. but I haven't decided if I wanna see them $6 worth.
Right now I am going to my grandma's house.. and I'm kinda happy about it. My cousin has young kids, and they don't have anywhere to live.. and it's just a mess. he's a mess. But I love him.. and thoseeee kids.
They're adorable.
expect pictures.