"We speaking in code now? Eh- if it were me, I doubt I'd admit what had happened either. The only reason the rumor mill isn't giving Zero a hard time is due to the 'Armor Decorating' incident. No one wants to face his retaliation.
"...Alia, when you get this message, I have a report for you about X- he's currently near a tracker and with Zanzibar. He's in the Nexus, so he's reasonably safe. Other than that... I need to tell you in person. I've also accounted for the whereabouts of Douglas. He's fine, but he's... indisposed at the moment." She managed to keep from snickering. "Pallette out."
Comments 30
"Arf," was the reply Pallette got from him as he followed her.
"We speaking in code now? Eh- if it were me, I doubt I'd admit what had happened either. The only reason the rumor mill isn't giving Zero a hard time is due to the 'Armor Decorating' incident. No one wants to face his retaliation.
"Alia?" She tapped her comm. "Alia, do you copy?"
"Ru-mrrrph," Oh great and Pallette is going to bring in Alia? Douglas is not pleased.
"...Alia, when you get this message, I have a report for you about X- he's currently near a tracker and with Zanzibar. He's in the Nexus, so he's reasonably safe. Other than that... I need to tell you in person. I've also accounted for the whereabouts of Douglas. He's fine, but he's... indisposed at the moment." She managed to keep from snickering. "Pallette out."
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