David asked me out yesterday before 4th period. I was walking with Nikki just before lunch and she was like: OMG, you have to go to Coach Riding's room right away. So I made her walk with me. And she motioned and yelled at someone to come outside... while I was hanging back. And then he came out and he asked me and it was all... yay. Excuse the terrible grammar.
And this was so funny... that I had to copy it out from Andra's xanga:
Anda: A Paul: P David: D Renee: R JP: JP
D: *funny look*
WHAT is so funny!?
A: *squee cont.* its so CUTE!!
D: *sigh*
>>During lunch:
D: *burps*
A: *laughs....
and laughs
and laughs*
D: its NOT that funny. i BURPED.
A: *laugh into squee* but its so CUTE!
R: *oof*
R: And your happy about that? *misunderstading*
R: wait wait... repeat that...
A: David asked out Kim!
*sudden interruption in which she points at JP*
R: David asked out him? *misunderstanding*
A: Yeah!! *misunderstanding*
R: ........
A: *squeeing*
R: ....... one more time!
A: DAVID.... ASKED .... OUT.... KIM!!!
R: OH!! KIM!!
A: Yes!! Kim... Kim DRAGO.
R: Oh...
A: SQUEE!!!!
>>Also in social studies.
*David and JP get assigned to same group*
A: too bad JP, now you cant flirt with david. hes TAKEN *squee*
D: ...*oh lord, not again*
JP: What? by WHO!
A: KIM! drago!!
Paul: Whoa! Kim has a boyfriend?
Rebecca: Gosh! Even Kim has a boyfriend?!
P: Who? *not hearing the beginning of the conversation*
A: DAVID!! *squee*
P: WHOA! Your kidding!
A: *shakes head... too busy squeeing to reply in words*
JP: And she said yes?!?
P: WHOA!! Davids gonna get some!!
JP: Yeah! Some lovin!!
D: *blush*
A: *squee!*
He was sick today, though. Very sad :( Oh, and Mrs. Hausdorf today in class was like, "So, Kim, I hear you're dating someone." Haha, everyone knows.
Haha, today was SOOOO funny.
At the end of 4th period, my sister and Molly came running into Mrs. Quigley's room and told me to take my stuff, we're leaving. Mrs. Quigley just laughed and said bye. They took me up to Mr. Shildneck's room and plastered ALL around the whole doorway in a bunch of different colored papers was: GENIUS -picture of David- Looking for female companion.. etc etc.. Haha, it was soo funny. Tex and Jimmy did it, but they didn't know that he wasn't at school today
So, as an after thought, during 5th period, Mr. Shildneck put up a bunch of papers (all the same colors as David's papers) and they said GEEK -picture of Tex- Likes long walks on the green and is afraid of golfcarts. APPROACH WITH CAUTION. It was sooo funny. They did ones with Jimmy on the other side of the doorways. Everyone ended up taking the fliers/papers off of the doorways and keeping them because they thought they were funny.
Christina and Molly also tied a whole thing of rubber bands together and strung them along Mr. Fulton's room, turning all of his tables and chairs upside down and hanging/propping them all up. That was pretty funny too...
Derek, in 4th, pretended that he tripped and hit his head on the table (looked pretty real) and he walked over to Mrs. Quigley complaining about how his mouth hurt really bad, and when he opened it it was all red and "bloody" Haha, Mrs. Quigley's reaction was so funny. She just stayed really calm and was like, "Go get papertowels and go to the water fountain and get a drink of water." Soo funny. It was red icing.
And I talked with David (on the phone) a total of 80 minutes today. 20 the first time, an hour the second. He doesn't sound too good. ):