I see: the computer screen
I need: eric
I find: that im very irritable lately
I want: eric
I have: a headache
I wish: i could be with eric more
I love: eric
I hate: a lot of things
I miss: eric
I fear: almost everything
I feel: comforted because im talking to eric
I hear: well silence on the phone cuz eric is writing me something
I smell: my hamburger
I crave: i really want mcdonalds
I search: to find myself
I wonder: if it ever gets easier
I regret: nothing
When was the last time you ...
Smiled?: a few minutes ago when eric read me the poem he wrote for me
Laughed?: a few minutes ago
Cried?: a few minutes ago when eric read me a different poem lol
Bought something?: umm couple weeks ago
Danced?: not for a while
Were sarcastic?: probably today
Kissed someone?: sunday
Talked to an ex?: no clue
Watched your favorite movie?: the notebook.. about a month ago
Had a nightmare?: not for a while
A Last time for everything ...
Last book you read: house on mango street for english
Last movie you saw: um last movie i actually saw was jerry maguire
Last song you heard: empty apartment*yellowcard
Last thing you had to drink: apple juice
Last time you showered: yesterday
Last thing you ate: a hamburger
Do You ...
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Have sex?: no
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yes, my stitch lol
Live in the moment?: sometimes, not usually, but i try to
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Play an instrument?: no
Believe there is life on other planets?: sure
Remember your first love?: yeh im talking to him right now lol
Still love him/her?: yes very much so
Read the newspaper?: no
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: just ashley... lol JK
Believe in miracles?: yes, he was a miracle
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: not as much as i used to be
Consider love a mistake?: no
Like the taste of alcohol?: not really it makes me gag
Have a favorite candy?: reeses
Believe in astrology?: no
Believe in magic?: yes
Believe in God?: yes
Pray?: not really
Go to church?: not really
Have any secrets?: yes
Have any pets: cat and a dog
Do well in school?: no not really
Go to or plan to go to college?: plan to
Have a major?: education
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: sometimes
Wear hats?: not usually
Have any piercings?: ears
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself?: no
Have an obsession?: a couple, not like freaky obsessions tho
Have a secret crush?: no
Do they know yet?: they do not exist
Collect anything?: no
Have a best friend?: yes
Wish on stars?: used to
Like your handwriting?: yeah sometimes
Have any bad habits?: yes a few
Care about looks?: yes
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: well i just love everything about the one i have now, but yes looks were one of the things that started it lol
Friends and other people?: dont matter
Believe in witches?: no
Believe in Satan?: yes
Believe in ghosts?: yes
- Current Clothes: white and red drama queen shorts and a hollister top
- Current Mood: kinda tired. kinda calm.
- Current Music: eric lol
- Current Taste: hamburger
- Current Make-up: the usual, eyeliner mascara and foundation
- Current Hair: wavy and in a ponytail
- Current Smell: my hamburger
- Current thing I ought to be doing: homework
- Current Desktop Picture: my dad has john wayne as our screen saver ew
- Current Favorite Artist:
- Current Favorite Group: yellowcard
- Current Book: house on mango street
- Current CD in CD Player: yellowcard
- Current tape in VCR: i think kindergarten cop
- Current Color Of Toenails: none
- Current Refreshment: apple juice
- Current Worry: missing eric.
- Foods: tacos
- Drink: orange/apple juice
- Color: pink
- Album: yellowcards newest
- Shoes: my boots lol
- Candy: kit kats or reeses
- Animal: cats
- TV Show: the OC
- Movie: the notebook
- Song: currently, probably anything yellowcard
- Vegetable: potatoes
- Fruit: watermelon
- Cartoon: fairly odd parents is pretty funny
- Understanding: i try to be
- Open-minded: yes i would say so
- Arrogant: no
- Insecure: yes
- Interesting: i'd hope
- Random: yes
- Hungry: not really
- Friendly: depends on my mood
- Smart: sometimes
- Moody: yes
- Childish: yes
- Independent: yes somretimes
- Hard working: yes, if i give a shyt about what im doing
- Organized: not really
- Healthy: not really
- Emotionally Stable: no
- Shy: yes
- Difficult: dunno
- Attractive: sometimes
- Bored Easily: yes
- Messy: yes
- Thirsty: no
- Responsible: yes
- Obsessed: depends
- Angry: not right now
- Sad: yes
- Happy: not really
- Hyper: sometimes
- Trusting: yes
- Talkative: around people i know
- Legal: no lol
- Kill: no one
- Slap: tons of people
- Get Really Wasted With: dont know
- Get High With: no one
- Tickle: uh eric
- Look Like: myself.
- Talk To Offline: eric
- Talk To Online: whoevers on