I gave into tempation and joined another challenge comm:
dcu_freeforall I'm going to do 50 prompts for Hal/Kyle. Yes, I know. What a surprise. ;-)
DCU Free For All Prompt Table
T 01;
P 06Coast City
T 01;
P 55Edwards Air Force Base
T 01;
P 63
OaT 02;
P 02Flight
T 03;
P 39Green Lantern Ring
T 06;
P 03Zero Hour
T 06;
P 30space time continuum
T 06;
P 10
multiverseT 06;
P 31Sinestro Corps War
T 07;
P 04friendship
T 07;
P 16love
T 07;
P 19
bondingT 07;
P 23
hero worship/idolT 07;
P 34
mixing work and pleasureT 07;
P 46long day
T 08;
P 11battle
T 08;
P 14Brightest Day
T 08;
P 15Blackest Night
T 08;
P 44pilot
T 09;
P 25experiments
T 09;
P 47on the run
T 11;
P 06heal
T 11;
P 10together
T 11;
P 31vacation
T 11;
P 34snuggle
T 12;
P 15nightmare
T 12;
P 58atonement
T 13;
P 2
lickT 13;
P 5
romance/romanticT 13;
P 11shower
T 13;
P 16free time
T 13;
P 17
Where are my pants?T 13;
P 19
tensionT 13;
P 20
skinT 13;
P 25leather
T 13;
P 26need
T 13;
P 34
role playT 13;
P 43restraints
T 13;
P 68Writer's Choice
T 14;
P 02
male pregnancy T 14;
P 22like father, like son
T 14;
P 27We never leave a man behind
T 15;
P 08one big, dysfunctional family
T 15;
P 15Batman Underoos
T 15;
P 56limerick
P 02Phone Call
P 01Character(s) reading fanfiction
P 02Character(s) writing fanfiction
P 02Under the Stars
P 09Sleepy!Sex
10 of 50 Prompts Completed
The last five prompts came from
mission_insane's Genre tables.
And yes, some of the prompts are clear evidence that my Muses are on crack. ;-)
Monthly Challenges
February 2008: Sex Pollen (T14; P01) -
Love is in the AirSpring 2008: Glitter (T15; P14) -
GlitterSummer 2008: Hurricane (T16; P10) -
Weathering the StormPeace Day 2008: Rebuild -
RebuildingAutumn 2008: Costumes -
PrincessWinter 2008: Mistletoe -
Under the MistletoeValentine's Day 2009: Gift -
Post-Flight Update: I changed some of the prompts on 9/29/2009, to try to give the Muses a kick in the pants. *sigh*.