A - Available? Yes, but i'd rather that it'd be no.
A - Age: 20
A - Annoyance: Being motherfucking 20 and having everyone I know right now dancing at a 21 and up dance club.
B - Best Friends? Breah, Sarah, Cassie, Danielle
B - Band: Metric
B - Birthday: May Fifth
C - Crush: One with a D, one with a M, a J, and....I think that's it.
C - Car: ....no longer applicable
C - Cat: my roomate just got a kitten named EL CHUPACABRE
D - Dead Pet's Name: Oreo the science rat, and sandy sammy and sandra the hermit crabs
D - Dad's Name: Jimmy
D - Dog:
E - Easiest person to talk to: Breah, Joel, cassie
E - Eggs: scrambled
E - Email: keeps changing
F - Favorite color?: I appreciate the whole rainbow
F - Food: Thai!
F - Foreign Language: Japanese
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Neither. Twizzlers.
G - God: can kiss my everloving ass
G - Good Times: always
H - Hair Color: Mostly brown
H - Height: 5'7"
H - Happy: As I can be
I - Ice Cream: GELATO
I - Instrument: recorder
I - Idol: Craig Thompson
J - Jewelry: few and far inbetween
J - Job: freelance scenic painter/intern/assistant
J - Jokes: What do you call a hooker with one leg? (Ilene)
K - Kids: my cousins
K - Karate: blue belt!
K - Kung Fu: Hustle...?
L - Love or lust: they walk hand in hand
L - Longest Car ride: Driving to Florida from Massachusetts
L - Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick
M - Milk Flavor: Coffee soy milk
M - Mother's Name: Melissa
M - Movie Last Watched: The Graduate
N - Number of Siblings: 0
N - Name of Siblings:
N - Name: Erin Katherine Wilson
O - One Wish: To just be next to you- in the same place- at the same time. for once.
O - One Phobia: boring parties.
O - Otter Pop: ?
P Parents; are they married or divorced: Divorced
P - Part of your appearance you like best: My legs
P - Part of your Personality you like best: optomism.
Q - Quick or Slow?: slow. Take it that way- I'll be happy.
Q - Queer or Straight?: Straight
Q - Queen or King?: Queen
R - Reason to smile: I'm still alive.
R - Reality TV Show: Project Runway
R - Right or Left: Right
S - Song Last Heard: Zak and Sara- Ben Folds with the West Austrailian Symphony Orchestra
S - Series: LOST
S - Sex: I'm a lady. No, I'm a woman.
T - Time you woke up: three hours after everyone in Florida.
T - Time Now: 13:22 am...jesus.
T - Time for bed: It depends on what I have to do the next day.
U - Unknown: Was I missed tonight?
U - Unicorns: Aren't real- no matter what you say.
U - You are: making me feel like I did a year ago.
V- Vegetable you love: Edamame!!! (soy beans)
V - Vegetable you hate: CALIFLOWER
V - View on Politics: even the guys I voted for are still a part of the rouse
W - Worst Habit: Not finishing things I start
W - What's up?: I am burned out on new places and new faces. I'm tired and I want to go home.
W - Wijadija: ???
X - X-Rays: of my eyeballs when I was three would show signs of surgury that have long since faded
X - X-Rated: Deep down inside
Y - Year you were born: 1986
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: all for you it was
Z - Zoo Animal: tigers! roar.
Z - Zodiac: Tarus
Z - Zoolander: school for kids who can't read good