Here's a thought, a possibility, a reality:
I'm pretty sure that I will be leaving my job by the middle of May and heading home for 2-3 months. I need to rejuvinate. . .spend time with my family. I'm super homesick and being home this last weekend for my birthday was a revelation that I absolutely hate LA. You see. . . I grew up in the Bay Area and moved to the Central Valley (CV) of CA in jr high. I lived in a house on 20 acres of almond trees in the country. Here's the difference between LA and the CV:
1.Too many rude people
who do not know how to drive.
4. No Seasons, it's just
always warm.
5. Life is way too fast-
paced. No one can slow
6. $$ is a huge matter!
1. It's quiet and slow-paced.
2. People are friendly, ya know
home-town folk.
3. The weather actually changes,
there are seasons where it's friekin cold
and then super hot.
4. Fresh, crisp air with a clear view of the mountains
that are farther away then the one's you CAN'T see right
out your friekin window in LA.
5. People live simpler lives. Money doesn't seem to be at
the forefront as much as it is in LA.
6. NO TRAFFIC! Except when there REALLY is a car accident.
7. It's home and it always will be.
So I think I'm at my wits end. I start grad school at APU in the fall so I will be back for that, but Home Is Where the Heart Is, so that's where I'm headed for a while. I'll update more later.