And now for you non-stalkers - A survey! Woo! Isn't that thrilling?! Haha :P
T H E L A S T P E R S O N W H O :
1. Slept in your bed besides you: Max Wattson. Haha XD "Ahhhh!!! Can I just go die somewhere?! x-x"
2. Saw you cry: I'm usually pretty good at the whole self-control thing ^^;; Um... Wow. It was Stephanie Kaiser. In 7th grade. I just collapsed sobbing on the closest person... Ha :X Oh. And that Jennifer Gleason girl who used to always fight with me. She was there ♡
3. Made you cry: >->; I think we all know this. *coughs*
4. Went to the movies with you: I know I've been since I went with Chris... But I can't remember who with? I fail ^-^ Um. Yeah.
5. You went to the mall with: My mom ^^
6. You hugged: Teh brother.
7. You went out to eat with: I feel like I recently went with Audra... No. That was pizza. My family then ^^
8. You talked to on the phone: Chris.
9. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it: I always mean it :P But... Audra ^-^
10. Broke your heart: I promise. It's all whole.
11. Made you laugh: Gah. Myself. XD I'm such a loser ^^;
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R :
1. pierce your nose or tongue? Nose. I like my teeth, thanks.
2. be serious or be funny? ..."Funny"? Ha. Um. I'd rather just be not serious. I'm rarely funny.
3. drink whole or skim milk? Ugh. I hate milk. But... Erm. Whole? I guess?
4. die in a fire or drown? O-o Well damn. Haha ^^ I guess fire. Seems to me like it wouldn't hurt as much.
5. spend time with your parents or go spend time with your enemies: Um. My parents? lmfao What kind of question is that?
1. flowers or candy? Candy
2. gray or black? Black
3. Color or Black and white photos? Color for regular pictures. But for artistic photos, black and white pwns my soul ^-^
4. lust or love? Love please?
5. sunrise or sunset? Sunrise. Eeep ♡
6. M&Ms or Skittles? ...Peanut butter M&Ms? Mmm ^-^
7. staying up late or waking up early? I don't need sleep :[ Staying up late ^_~
D O Y O U P R E F E R :
1. kisses or hugs? Hugs mostly.
2. sun or moon? AHHHH!!!! Annie love me. I like moons. Omg. Haha ^^ Sorry. Spaz-fit over >->
3. Winter or Fall? Fall.
4. left or right? Left.
5. having 10 acquaintances or having 2 best friends? Two best friends. Derr? XD
6. sun or rain? Sun. I don't like "rain". Sprinkling is wonderful, but I don't like "rain".
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? CHOCOLATE BISH!
U N I Q U E :
1. Nervous Habits? Being insanely social (over-compensating I guess), kissing my knuckles (weird i know), wiggling my foot...
2. Are you double jointed? No such thing... stretchy fibers in joints... And yes... I do have stretchy fibers. ^^
3. Can you roll your tongue? Why yes I can you weirdo. I was just doing that!
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? People tell me I can?
5. Can you cross your eyes? Who can't...
6. Do you make your bed daily? HA! No! I don't think I've ever made my bed!
1. Which shoe goes on first? Usually right.
2. ever thrown one at someone? But of course ^-^
3. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet/purse? Usually somewhere around $70-100.
4.What jewelry do you wear? My two thumbrings, my three bracelet band things, and... Well it's not jewelry but I always wear two hair ties ^^ On my wrist. Haha XD
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti? How else can you eat it? o-o
2. Have you ever eaten Spam: Ugh. *spasm* Yes x-x
3. favorite ice cream: Moose Tracks. Omfg.
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? 3 or 4
5. What's your favorite beverage(non alcoholic)? MOUNTAIN DEW OMG
6. What's your favorite restaurant: OLIVE GARDEN OMG (lmfao XDDD)
7. Do you cook? If I have to. I don't like to. I mean. If I'm hungry and I have to work for it... I'd rather starve? :X
I cut out the super boring parts ^^
Oh. And I'm 28% a virgin. XD