Tuesday 031009; Epitome of RENT!SD: dgaf.
Monday night, I spent the night at Brittany’s so she, Marissa, Monica, Taylor, and I could leave early Tuesday morning without hassle. I typed up homework for my AP Lit class (because my teacher gave me permission to miss class for RENT XD), stopped by school that morning, and were out of town a little after 815am and down there by 9. We were the 8-12 people in line and got to hang out with David with the blue hair and Chris! We had met them back in July ‘06 when RENT was in town last time and had a blast with the both of them. David didn’t have his cone though :[. The day was full of SO many good times from making friends with Alex (“12”), Ink (“14”), Corinne (“Amber Tamblyn”), and Mary (who totes looks like Susan Surandon!Rocky Horror Picture Show) to wrapping Chris in my pink blanket to become the RENT mascot: the gay burrito, to getting upwards of $75 worth of food at TGI Friday’s for $17 XD. Chris and I exchanged numbers so I could get in touch with him about bringing a boy to the show with us on Saturday night. OhEmGee, a cop harassed us! Haha, he walked up as I was doing my government homework and I said, “Evening officer,” which made the line chuckle. He started asking why us young’ns weren’t in school, 12, 14, and Mary were like, “We go to a performing arts school, so it’s an excused absence if we miss it for a theatrical performance,” and then the cop waited for Taylor to get off of the phone and asked her, but 12 came to her defense and said she went to school with them. I said I was graduated (I was coincidently in my ‘08 Disneyland shirt :D) upon which I subtly put my high school textbook away, haha. He left us alone after that but we were hella annoyed.
I love that we get to use the restroom at the Civic Center Plaza (a place of business across the courtyard) because we will pay you not to use the 24hr homeless one. Seriously, it makes like 525600 times better to not have to worry about walking down to Horton Plaza.
I got my ticket, AA 18: fourth seat house right/stage left in the front row. Fucking perfect for Eyesex with my newfound tour crush Andy Señor. We had full cast, which was cool for the first time back to RENT. We just HOPED for some type of understudy madness sometime in the week. We left after stagedooring (Adam and Anthony came out for a little while but then escaped through another door-- they had a cast party to go to) and on the way home, Brittany and I figured out plans to convince my mom to let me go on Wednesday. Got home, my mother said wake at 6am to ask my father.
Wednesday 031109; Happy Birthday Adam Pascal and Kyla!
Woke at 644am and asked my dad. He said no. I stated my case and he went to smoke outside and I started getting clothes together *just in case*. At about 650am, he says I can go. I called Brittany and she picked both my sister and me up at 703am. Stopped by Peterson’s doughnuts, got a dozen, and was on the freeway at about 722am. We got downtown by about 8am and we were behind David with the blue hair (and his cone!), Kyla, her daughter Aurora+friend, Chlöe, Cassie, and Chelsey. But David wasn’t really rushing, he was just hanging out with everyone, which Brittany and I thought was adorable.
We pretty much did nothing all day. Except Chlöe and I had tones of fun. I told her pretty girls should be seen, not heard and she loved it (first thing she thought: “Awh, she called me pretty!” which is sweet, because I do like the girls and complimenting true facts is always lovely). Yea, she was tons of fun. Sarah and I went to Ralph’s and 7.11 to get food, but Brittany and I got freal food at Subway and New York Pizza. We got tickets and I was super polite and requested AA 18 again and got it so I had plenty more eyesex with my boyfriend Andy.
OhEmGee, our friend Amanda, Marissa, and I were at Starbucks (if you’ve already heard this story, well, 50rry and you can electrocute me) at Horton Plaza while Brittany and Sarah were in the bathroom and we were finishing up our makeup to look cute for the show. Well, Amanda gasps, points outside, and says, “omigosh it’s Anthony!” so we looked and sure enough there he was with someone else. I was like, “Awh, you guys we shouldn’t go out there because I bet the other guy is there to fend off fan girls.” But… yea it was Adam. So we left all of our shit there (drinks, makeup, purses) and ran outside. We stalked them for six or seven steps (the other girls were trying to figure out how to talk to them without it being weird) so I just said, “Excuse me, Adam and Anthony?” they stopped and turned around and my sister asked for a picture. Anthony replied, “We need to get going” and Adam was like SURE ^_^ Haha. So my sister has a really cute picture with Adam on one side and Anthony dgaf-ing it on the other, haha. Then, I had this conversation as they started walking away.
Me: Oh Adam, are you going to be at the stagedoor tonight?
Adam: Uh, yea.
Me: [thinking they freals had to get going] Cool, can I ask you a question then?
Adam: You can ask me a question now?
[walks up to them]
Me: What happened with American Primitive?
Adam: What do you mean what happened with American Primitive?
Me: Like… is it in festivals or does it have a release date or… ?
Adam: It was just at the Palm Spring Festival and it’s going to Toronto--
Me: Mm, I’m not in Toronto.
Adam: Yea you’re not, haha. --and then it’ll be shopping around for a release.
Me: Alright cool, thanks so much. I’ve been waiting for this movie for like two and a half years so… thank you both!
He was SO sweet and I was seriously surprised because I had always heard that Adam was a diva but nope, Anthony is chicken little-diva bitch. Haha. It was cute because he didn’t even go to the stagedoor that night, which I thought was cute because he stuttered before telling me he’d be there but knew he wouldn’t, so he let me ask him then :D. He’d totes be my tour crush if I hadn’t already one. Hah. Brittany and I have this theory that Anthony is a vampire because he is soo albino and white and refuses to take pictures… hahah. Spread the word :D. Wednesday night was great: we got Jed!Gay Waiter! We actually found out in a funny way.
[Brittany and I are standing at the stagedoor with David’s cone]
Me: We should just ask them if Jed’s already back there.
Brittany: Go ahead.
Me: Excuse me? Is Jed Resnick already back there?
Stagehand: Uh yea he is.
Me: [to Brittany] Do you think they’d take it back to him?
Brittany: Ask if you want.
Me: Can you do me a HUGE favor and take this cone back to him?
Stagehand: I can’t, he’s getting ready right now.
Brittany: Getting ready? Like… to go on?
Stagehand: Yea.
Brittany: As who?
Stagehand: *shrug* I don’t know.
Me: Okay thank you!
Then Brittany cussed and realized she didn’t have any batteries for her audio-er so she gave me her huge heels and the cone and I gave her my ballet flats and she sprinted two blocks down to the Long’s in Horton Plaza to get some and I got to find my seat in the theatre in heels I wasn’t used to… and a cone. Zoey [Turek’s daughter] was question my cone and thought it was weird. Eh, just another day with RENT, haha. Brittany got back and settled in and there was a “Dana” for Jed, it was awesome sauce. OH and no one else seemed to notice, but the Contact track stopped for a few seconds, both the music and their moans/groans. It was odd.
Friday 031309; Civic Center=As fucking fucked as the entirety that is Sun City, Arizona.
I actually didn’t rush for this day because my dad wouldn’t let me skip school but I was going to drive down after school. Basically, Brittany, Sarah, and countless other people got there hella early (5am) and ten minutes before tickets were to go on sale (550pm) some bitch complained that they had cut in line and the first fourteen people in line didn’t get tickets. Yea, she’s a bitter bitch and I’m still angry about it. So they changed the weekend to lotto which fucking sucked. I was so stoked to go downtown Saturday morning to rush for the evening show. Ugh. Fucking fucked. I ended up going to sleep at like 845pm because I wanted to cry out of frustration with the corrupt Civic Center. I didn’t want to be awake. Ugh.
Saturday 031409; Happy Pi Day!
I kept on waking up in the middle of the night for some reason. Was frustrating. At 8am I couldn’t take it anymore and I got up and cleaned out the van and out blankets in there just in case it was indeed rush and they just said the lotto thing in a fit of frustration. I was wrong. I left the house at 10am and got down there at about 1045am after picking up Eric, Melanie, Becca, and Lori. After confirming it was lotto, we hung around until noon. After we didn’t win, we went to Horton Plaza with Amanda. We were down there and I saw my boyfriend Andy with his family, which was cute <3 haha. Is a freak, yea. Then, because Amanda and I can’t stand the mall and wanted to go stalk actors before the matinée, we left Eric, Melanie, Becca, and Lori to get food while we walked back to the theatre. Met a nice boy there named Shane from San Francisco. We talked RENT stories and how he’d seen the show in ‘96 but hadn’t gotten Anthony’s signature so he brought his original playbill which was exciting for Anthony haha. At 1245pm, Andy walked up. Now, I had explained (to Shane) how I had a crush on him and deemed him my “tour boyfriend” because he’s lovely. So I asked Andy for a picture and he stayed for a minute or so talking to us and Shane goes, “She calls you her ‘tour boyfriend.’” OMGWTF. Haha. Andy just laughed and said it was sweet. My picture with him and is super cute on Amanda’s camera :]. I asked him when their call time was (which, according to Amanda, is a weird thing to ask because she didn’t think he’d tell me) and he said 1pm. I asked if he though Jed was inside already and he said no, Jed would probably get there at 101pm and I lol’d, said thank you, and saw him on his way. At about 110pm, Jed walks up so I walk towards him and started talking to him about what had happened the night before and he’s so super cute when he cusses (“fucking bullshit”) because on his nose, right between his eyes, his skin scrunches up and he looks adorable. I want a pocket sized Jed. Then I let him get backstage and we waited for Adam. Adam waltzes up in his sunglasses with his guitar and a few people swarm him. Shane, Amanda, and I hung back and waited. He semi-recognized us and was like “hey guys how’re you doing” all that good stuff. We each got pictures and he smelled delicious (that goes in joint with this dream, I swear) and we thanked him again. After that, Amanda and I met up with David and then walked down to New York Pizza to eat. Then we met up with the four at Horton Plaza and Eric and Lori were jealous because they didn’t think anything would happen with us waiting at the stagedoor, like meeting Adam and Anthony. Haha. Then we pulled blankets out and waited for the night lotto at 6pm. Brittany and Sarah came down to help us win and Sarah won, and chose Melanie and Lori to see it front row first act (they had been able to get tickets from some lady who had to leave at the beginning of second act at the matinée) and Eric and Becca during the second act. We bought $20 tickets for Amanda, Rachel, Grace, Eric, Becca, and me at the upper balcony but we moved down to the fourth row, house right/stage left. After the show they auctioned off a signed poster and backstage tour for Broadway Cares ($6000!) and then I went up to Andy and thanked him for being so kind and everything. He hugged me super tight and said he appreciated it. Then I went over and talked to Jed (who was trying to convince me to go to Arizona because he’s going on Tuesday night as his hot mess of a gay waiter again! I wish!) and thanked him for three years of good times and he hugged me super tight too and I said goodbye. Eric, Melanie, and Becca went home with Rachel and Grace and Lori and I stopped by In N Out and then got caught in an hour worth of traffic (really I-15, six lanes condensed to one?) and I got home at 115am.
San Diego was full of corruption and drama but also of tour crushes and surprisingly kind cast members (who aren’t named Chicken Little Diva Bitch). I wouldn’t trade it for anything because it was great <3. Now, I really really want a job because I really really want to go to the Austin Party. Who needs a job? *flamenco dances*
Adam Pascal “Ladyjeans” as Roger Davis;
I was SO glad I finally got to see Adam. I loved him in everything he did (RENT, School of Rock, Cold Case, AMERICAN PRIMITIVE) so I was stoked about seeing him perform. Here’s the thing, I totally love the character of Roger so I will find any excuse to like a Roger. I mean, not that I didn’t like him, there were some things I did and some things I didn’t. I was disappointed that he didn’t do a handcuff dance, born to be bad dance, sing “let it be boys” as one and two [and] three [and four and] like Heinz did… OH he ALMOST did a handcuff dance on Saturday night! He raised his hands a little bit but brought them down again, Amanda and I were super disappointed, haha. His One Song Glory was really really good but it didn’t make me cry like Declan’s did every freaking time I saw the show. Hahah Oh and he sneezed during the show which was so super cute. Haha. During Christmas Bells, instead of saying “there that’s her” he said “ACHOO her” haha. T’was entertaining. Like I said, I really really really liked him because he’s Adam freaking Pascal but there were a few more things I wish he would’ve done… I’m going to have to rank him number four of four on my Roger list [Dec, Bryce, Heinz, Adam].
Anthony Rapp “Chicken Little Diva Bitch” as Mark Cohen;
I sincerely wish that a) he said “oh yea” during LVB like he did in the movie because I thought that was adorable, b) he would learn to clap in time during SOL, and c) that he would learn how to drop the phone correctly at Voicemail #4. It did not have enough emotion in it at all. He improved a little bit on Wednesday night, but not by much. Brittany said this also, but he had no chemistry with the phone. Every “Halloween,“ I braced myself for him to hit the phone like Harley did (well, kind of) but it never happened… even though I haven’t actually seen Harley since May 2007, haha. But yea, neither that nor Voicemail #4 were up to par =/. I don’t really have much to say about Chicken Little. He wasn’t incredible. He was okay and some points but made me want to cringe at others (like holding out the note at la vieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee boheme waiting for people to clap for him. We get it, you’re a little diva bitch) but… meh. He was just kind of there sometimes. =/. the Number three of three on my Mark list [Tie between Jed/Harley, Anthony].
Nicolette Hart as Maureen Johnson;
I wanted to like her, I did. She over acted a lot of stuff and was not very much fun. She and Haneefah had almost NO chemistry during TMOLM and I cringed at her OTM. Not entertaining. Bah. I liked her less than Tracy, even. Number three of three [Christine, Tracy, Nicolette].
Lexi Lawson as Mimi Marquez;
Basically, it’s a shame I didn’t like her more because she is SO pretty. Hah. She and Adam had great chemistry during Light My Candle and I loved the flirtatious everything of that song, something I hadn’t really appreciated before. Her Out Tonight didn’t seem… intense enough. Number three of three [Jen, Arianda, Lexi].
Jacquez C Smith as Benjamin Coffin III;
I really really liked him! I did! There was something about him that I enjoyed watching at all times. He was a great singer and his You’ll See Boys was super entertaining, I liked when he lifted up Justin’s skirt and was so super appalled. I could see that he, Adam, and Anthony used to be friends. Yea, he was great. Number two of three [Michael, Jacquez, JW].
Haneefah Wood as Joanne Jefferson;
I did not like that she liked to say things a half beat later during the first few songs. It was super annoying. She was… meh. I don’t know. I don’t really have much to say about her. She must’ve not left that much of an impression. Number two of three [Chante, Haneefah, BTF].
Michael McElroy as Tom Collins;
He was meh. Not amazing, not horrible. Just kind of there. I can’t comment on his ICY: R because I got super bored and dozed out every time. Yea, bad person. He just wasn’t that captivating and I didn’t pay much attention to him. Oh well. Number three of three [Warren, American Idol, Michael]
Justin Johnson as Angel Dumott Schunard;
I LOVED Justin. He was incredible. His T4U kicked ass and damn can he fly on and off of that table! Completely remarkable and I loved it. I loved when he said “New York City” is a falsely excited voice [I think I used that tern when describing Kritsten’s, haha] and he does this kick like “Yah?” haha. He was so good, I’m glad I got to seem him. He’s def my number one of three [Justin, Ano, Kristen]
Telly Leung as Steve and Others;
He didn’t do much for me. His Will I? solo was wayy too weak and I didn’t believe he was really dying like I did with Joe <3. Just kind of there.
Adam Halpin as Gordon and Others;
I miss Raptor looking like Henry from Ugly Betty. I liked that on Tuesday night, he groped Nicolette’s thigh when she mooned them and on Wednesday he attempted to, but Jaquez was in the way. He didn’t try to on Saturday night, though. His man seemed to sweet. And every freaking time I hear the line, “Hey lover boy, cutie pie…” all I can think of is Tracey’s fic Broken in which Roger and The Man are doing it. Seriously, every single freaking time. And then Brittany and I look at each other (from different sides of the row) and just smile and share a laugh. Oh Tracey. Thanks a lot. Haha.
Andy Señor as Paul and Others;
Uhm… I’m a little biased, I love Andy. I LOVE the chemistry that he and Jed have during LVB. Seriously, they are totally doing it. The way they touch each other and hold each other and dance together… it just all points to the direction of doing it. Their characters, totes. Actors? I ship it hard. Haha. He’s adorable and a sweetheart and I loved seeing him on stage everytime… OH and I started having a crush on him right after intermission on Tuesday night…SOL!eyesex say whaa? Loving it lots. Always. :D.
Caren Tackett as Mark’s Mom and Others;
I miss New York/Jewey Mark’s Mom from last tour a lot. She wasn’t New York or Jewey enough, which was sad. I wish I could’ve seen her as Maureen like Gina did in Tempe; she would’ve been soo teeny tiny next to Haneefah during TMOLM.
Yuka Takara as Alexi Darling and Others;
She was not annoying enough. That’s the bottom line. Jade was really good because she was an annoying gremlin, but Yuka wasn’t annoying enough to be Alexi. Sarah Silverman should go on tour, I’d LOVE to see that. But Brittany said she was crying at stagedoor Sunday night because San Diego fans are teh best… DUH. Hah.
Gwen Stewart and SOL 1 and Others;
… She’s Gwen. I mean come on, she’s gotta kick ass. Her bag lady wasn’t nearly as good as Altamiece’s or Mimi’s, but her SOL solo kicked fucking ass just like everyone expected her to.
John Watson “JW” as SOL 2 and Others;
I’ll say the same thing I did last year. Three Words: I. Miss. Oz.
Jed Resnick as u/s Steve and Others;
Ohh Jed. Such a lovely lovely boy. So kind always, such a freaking sweetheart and always so super nice at the stagedoor. His Will I!solo wasn’t as good as Joe’s was but Brittany said that it made him seem young and naïve which is true, he just doesn’t have as… strong a voice as Joe did. Don’t get me wrong, he was AMAZING onstage like always, just not as good as others. And I didn’t like him in the giant baggy jeans, he looked way too tiny.
Trisha Jeffrey as u/s SOL 1 and Others;
She kicked ass, man. Her Bag Lady wasn’t super good because she’s so tiny and petite, but she was really really good for an understudy.