This is the final part of the five part journal post about Hitler and George W. Bush.
Hint: Start from the beginning!
In the final analysis, Evangelical Christians have been pawns in the dialectical process---the secret societies' method of slowly but inexorably moving huge portions of humanity into their new order. The takeover of both political parties has been vital to the Masonic plan to force the U.S. into a world government and there is no substantive difference between the major political parties anymore. A Democratic administration would be no different than the present Republican administration, except that American conservatives would object strongly to the removal of their civil liberties under a liberal Democrat such as Al Gore. Because they believe George Bush to be a Christian, their guard is down and Christian conservatives will surrender the Bill of Rights trusting their liberties will be restored once terrorism is eradicated. However, anyone who reads the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush, Sr. will be confronted with facts about the Bush family that render suspect the motives and intentions of our current president.
Through the organization and manipulation of mass movements based on ideologies in dynamic opposition to one another, a huge shift away from absolute truth occurs. The philosophers Nietzsche, Heidegger and Hegel made up the antithesis to the thesis of what was left of tradition in the mid-nineteenth century. By using all three as the background to World War II, the conspirators forged the synthesis, which was the Holocaust. After the war, they claimed that since God had been so cruel, man must find a new way to think of God. The answer was immanent humanism, or that man is god. Everything that matters in the way of their revolution has devolved from this gnostic premise, the antithesis of Christian doctrine.
The Order of Skull and Bones is part of a global network of secret societies known as the Brotherhood of Death. Skull and Bones, was created as an American chapter of the German Thule Society which trained Hitler in occult doctrine. Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy is the Executive Intelligence Review's (LaRouche) expose of the Anglo-American oligarchy's drug smuggling syndicate since the days of the Opium Wars, in which covert operations George H.W. Bush was the kingpin. The authors identify the struggle for ideology of the gnostic Thule Society against the Judeo-Christian tradition:
"Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party is the paramount case in the West of a Gnostic movement come to power. Hitler's world conception was specifically Gnostic. As a child, Hitler attended the Lambach Abbey School in Lambach-am-Tram in upper Austria. Since at least 20 years before Hitler's birth, Lambach had been a center of Gnostic practice. Its abbot, Father Theodore Hagen, was adept in astrology and in the fundamentals of the Gnostic heresy, with particular affinity for thirteenth-century Catharism and Islamic Sufism. This Benedictine monk caused a swastika to be engraved over the entrance to the abbey school.
"When Hitler went to the abbey in 1899, there was also a young Cistercian monk, Adolf Joseph Lanz, who was later to lead Hitler through the racialist cult networks of Vienna. In 1900, Lanz threw aside his habit, went to Vienna and founded the Order of the New Temple, inspired by the Knights Templar. In 1905, using the name of Georg Lanz von Liebenfels, he began to publish the racist cult journal Ostara, dedicated to propagandizing in favor of the war between the 'Sons of Light' and the 'Sons of Darkness'; that is, the war between the blond, blue-eyed Aryan and the dark, scheming Jew.
"In Munich, Hitler was routed into Gnostic circles revolving around the Thule Society, named after the mythical 'Ultima Thule' homeland of the Aryans in the north, and made up of south German, Swiss, and British oligarchs dedicated to creating a mass-based party to indoctrinate defeated Germany with Gnostic ideas. Hitler became its chosen spokesman.
"Hitler's mission was to destroy Christianity and Judaism in favor of the ancient pagan religion. When the war was lost, Germany being invaded on every front, catastrophe looming, Hitler's lieutenants clustered around him to know what the Fuhrer would do. Hitler told them that, whatever the outcome of the war, the greater war had been won. One hundred years after his death, he predicted, Christianity would no longer exist as a significant force in the world. That was victory, he said, To destroy Christianity, Hitler reasoned, one must first destroy its 'agent,' the 'bacillus the Jew'; that nation of priests,' as Nietzsche had angrily called them. The Holocaust was planned to do just that." 28.
The synthesis has already occurred in the great mass of people. One Freemason correctly observed that there are very few who are "immune to the dialectic." This assertion would not have been made if the dialectic and its method of synthesis were not the hidden agenda of the occult societies. Also, the dialectic is evolutionary. The conservative revolution today, some new movement tomorrow. Thus, the dialectic itself represented a huge shift away from absolute truth. The conspirators mean to take the masses through revolutions fomented out of the dialectical operation toward a synthesis of all points of view -- the Third Way politics of the radical center -- to a society based on natural law, man's determination of morality in place of God's. Marilyn Ferguson's Aquarian Conspiracy perceptively describes the nature and course of revolutions -- abandonment of the moral values which inspired the revolution -- a phenomenon which is coming to pass before our very eyes:
"Most historical movements have their last will and testament along with their manifesto. They have known more surely what they oppose than what they are. By taking a firm position, they trigger an inevitable countermotion, one that will disorient their fragile identity almost at once. Then rapid metamorphosis and self-betrayal: pacifists who become violent, law-and-order advocates who trample law and order, patriots who undo liberties, 'people’s revolutions' that empower new elites, new movements in the arts that become as rigid as their predecessors, romantic ideals that lead to genocide." 29.
Law-and-order advocates who trample law and order? ...patriots who undo liberties? ...romantic ideals that lead to genocide"? Like Reverend Neimoller and the German Protestants, we fear that American Evangelicals will rue the day they called for a conservative revolution:
"By the beginning of 1934, the disillusioned Pastor Niemoller had become the guiding spirit of the minority resistance in both the 'Confessional Church' and the Pastors' Emergency League...On the first of July, 1937, Dr. Niemoller was arrested and confined to Moabit prison in Berlin. On June 27 he had preached to the congregation, which always overflowed his church at Dahlem, what was to be his last sermon in the Third Reich. As if he had a foreboding of what was to come he said, 'We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of the authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man's behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man.'
"After eight months in prison he was tried on March 2, 1938, before a Sondergericht, one of the 'Special Courts' set up by the Nazis to try offenders against the State, and though acquitted of the main charge of 'underhand attacks against the State' was fined two thousand marks and sentenced to seven months' imprisonment for 'abuse of the pulpit' and holding collections in his church. Since he had served more than this time, the court ordered his release, but he was seized by the Gestapo as he was leaving the courtroom, placed in 'protective custody' and confined in concentration camps, first at Sacchsenhausen and then at Dauchau, where he remained for seven years until liberated by Allied troops." 30.