Hello, just recently noticed you had added me to your friends list. Sorry it took me a bit to add you back. Haven't been online very much. Anyhow, nice to meet you.
You seem really cool and we have tons of the same interests (not all mine are listed on my page, I'm a slacker about that sort of thing) so I added you. You don't have to add me back but if you want to, awesome.
Hello, I found you in an adding comm, and you soundedinteresting. I'm aj, 20, currently living in the state of NY. I ramble for quite a while in my profile, so I'll let that speak for me, but I was wonderingif you would add me back?
Comments 13
I found you in an adding comm, and you soundedinteresting. I'm aj, 20, currently living in the state of NY. I ramble for quite a while in my profile, so I'll let that speak for me, but I was wonderingif you would add me back?
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