❦ Mun
Name: Rachel
agallimaufryContact Info: AIM: madchentanz
Other Characters:
Miguel ❦ Character Info
Name: Lucia "Mirage" Vasquez--but at the Academy, she will preferred to be called Em.
Movie/series: The Incredibles
Year/Position: Teacher: Elementary Level Mathematics; Algebra 1 & 2; Calculus
Non-Speaking Animal Companion(if any): N/A
Powers: Light manipulation. Mirage can take control of the light surrounding her, and even in dark places, emit light from her body. When surrounded with light, she can bend it around her, rendering her with limited invisibility; she can also bend other forms of light, such as lasers. The white light radiated from her body during a full power blast can be blinding; however, she rarely ever lets it get that high, as it is incredibly draining. When at full power, her skin and body can emit an intense heat, capable of melting through metal. She can concentrate the light to different points in her body. Mirage's relationship to her powers, however, is one of general hatred, and thus she will only display them in times of immense danger--and sometimes not even then.
Canon history:
Here. AU history: Lucia Vasquez was the kind of girl no one noticed, and she worked hard to get that way. Born with beautifully tan skin, shockingly white hair and grass green eyes, she was the kind of girl who stuck out in a crowd whether she wanted to or not. She met Buddy "Syndrome" Pine at age twenty-one--he was an undergraduate teen, she was a post-doc--and it all went downhill from there, as they set out to put Syndrome's genius first on the map.
Her job title, as Syndrome's chief worker, was something along the lines of "Director of International Affairs and Employee/Alliance Liasons"; but her true job was much, much more complicated than that. Mirage was essentially in charge of Nomanisan Island, in every way that Syndrome did not want to deal with: working with people, coordinating meetings, scheduling what happened each and every single day. As basically first lieutenant, she had an incredible amount of power over about a hundred people, who were intimidated by her very presence.
After the events of the movie, Mirage was taken into the Evangeline government's custody. Seen as a threat to the security of the nation, she was imprisoned in an underground bunker, where she was interrogated as to the extent of Syndrome's plans and weapons, and experimented on by government scientists out of interest in her Superpowers. It took two weeks for Rick Dicker and the National Supers Agency to track her down and release her into their own custody, where she was given time to recover before helping them to unravel Syndrome's unique designs.
Two years after the events of the movie, a letter arrived on Rick Dicker's desk, addressed to Mirage. After reading it thoroughly--and discussing the matter with Mr. Incredible--Dicker came to Mirage with a proposition: she was being requested to teach at the Academy. Robert's daughter Violet had also been requested. Mirage was being commissioned to keep "an eye out" for Violet, and to gain intelligence on the Academy and its Mist-fighting properties. If she cooperated, and sent intelligence back to Dicker regularly, she would be relocated with the chance of starting a new life...
Personality: Mirage is an intrinsically quiet person. She won't offer her opinion to you unless you ask for it--years worth of working for Syndrome will do that to you. That's not to say that she doesn't have those opinions, or that they're not valuable. Mirage is, odds are, one of the most intelligent women you will meet in your life, but you will only understand that fully if you play your cards right. She doesn't understand people as well as she would like to, and she tends to think of them as dots on a statistical scale; but that's more due to inexperience as far as actual meaningful interaction with people who aren't sociopaths goes. She had to learn a great deal about people to perform the role she performed; but the lessons she learned don't exactly stick, and she's much more likely to observe you from afar than to actually talk to you.
If you do talk to her, you'll realize that Mirage is well-mannered and calm. There is in fact very little in the known universe that can actually phase that calm, outside of an earth-shattering apocalypse. Mirage is the kind of person who doesn't raise her voice to you, the kind of person whose soft-spoken disappointment is worse than the loudest scream.
She loves: crème brûlée, crossword puzzles, Louboutin heels, grand pianos, and the mathematical concepts explored in advanced calculus. (Mathematics, at times, is the only thing that makes sense to Mirage. By default, because of her love of mathematics, music is a close second.)
She is also capable of being incredibly seductive, sweet, and manipulative. You can take girl away from the villain, but you can't take the villain out of the girl...
Greatest Fear: Mirage fears many things--some more than others. The true fear, one that drives all her actions, is that she will turn back into what she allowed herself to become, and be unable to see people as anything more than bugs to be stepped on, a side effect of her employment and relationship with Syndrome. The idea that she could continue to kill people is a grim one, but a possible one, that she is always, always guarded over.
How do you see your character fitting in?: Due to her psychosis, and general attraction to people with a great deal of power--and not the good kind of power--Mirage will undoubtedly attach herself to people who do not have very good intentions. Beyond that, however, she will spend a great deal of time focusing on teaching, and being the spy she sent out to be, in order to escape the life she had before. Then there's the whole part where her very powerful ex-boyfriend whom she betrayed is a member of the security team, and you have a very sticky situation on your hands...
❦ Writing
Third person writing sample:
"The authorities are on their way." Her voice sounds far away to her own ears over the speakers, and exhausted, monotone. "They'll be here, at the latest, in two hours. If you don't want to get caught, take the boats. They'll be less likely to catch you that way."
She ends the transmission, and allows herself the briefest flickering of sympathy--not for the guards, they knew what they were signing on for in the beginning--but for the maids, the gardeners, the cooks, some of whom had only taken the jobs to send money back to their families at home.
After it passes, she punches the code that will wipe the computers clean. The disc in her hand is the only evidence left that there was anything more than an empty shell of a harddrive here. She knows that she will never sit in this chair again. Every second that ticks by draws her closer to the fact that she will be leaving and never coming back. She stands, mechanically, hits the lights, and feels the heat of the lava passage way for the last time.
She stops in her suite, first. She finds the suitcase under her bed. (Later, in the hours on the jet, handcuffs chafing her wrists, she will wonder why she only packed the dress, a letter from her father, the disc, her degrees, and her mother's necklace, instead of something useful, like a knife, or a copy of the Constitution to yell at the men in black.)
His suite is the top floor, the closest to the peak. Her first steps into it echo against the black marble walls. The noise is too loud and she slips her heels off. Grey, sensible heels. She throws them against the wall, watches them hit the ground, and continues in stocking feet. Past the kitchen (simple, microwaveable plates: the maids didn't dare come up here, she was the only one who knew where everything went), past the balcony (five years ago, June, an eclipse, they'd watched it from deck chairs and talked about solar energy). The doors to the bedroom are slightly ajar, like he'd probably left it before leaving, and she slips in, silent.
First person writing sample:
[The screen buzzes in to a slim woman in her early thirties. There are two things obviously different about her, however. She is wearing a sultry, shiny black v-neck dress that absolutely screams expensive... and her hair, which silkily falls down to her back to her waist, is white. Not platinum blonde--absolute, shimmeringly, white.
The picture, however, is much clearer than it usually is the first time around; high-definition, even. It's obvious that she knows how the communicator works, too, as she's the perfect distance away from the camera, and it's steady and horizontal.
When she speaks, her voice is soft, with a melodic, vaguely-Latin accent.] Good afternoon.
My name is... Em. [A slight pause after that, as if she weren't sure she was actually going to say it.] I will be the mathematics instructor, here at the Academy. I have posted my class schedule, and a short test to be taken if you plan on signing up, so I can gauge your abilities. I will be teaching all levels, with many things to cover. If you are the only one in your rank, I will be happy to arrange private tutoring.
[She looks down at her dress, as if thinking for a minute, and then back up at the screen.] And if anyone knows of a place where I can buy... more appropriate attire... please, let me know. I did not have a chance to procure any before I left.
[She smiles, quietly, at the screen, and ends the transmission.]