Here are your Round 3 results! Couple of close calls for some people though. XD
Thank you so much to you two for participating!! Please make sure to stick around and keep voting in future rounds!
Most Original:
teletha Congrats! If you want a banner, let us know.
kira_mali could probably make you one if you want. Next week you'll have one vote subtracted during voting. And no Overall Icon because every single vote for that was different. Makes it a bit difficult, no?
01: I'm not a fan of the text. I think it's too bright and bold on the icon, and just doesn't fit well with the icon.
01 - the font kinda killed the icon while kira's border seems a tad too thick plus the image choice didn't match the caption particularly well
#2 - I'm not to fond of the quality of the background as well as the quality of the text. Possibly a more solid background and smoother text would've changed the quality of the icon.
02 - although there were limited font choices this week, I didn't feel that this was a particularly great font choice to match the caption
2 - There is nothing really wrong with it and it's a nice simple icon, but because it's so simple is the reason. Compared to other icons it looks as if you didn't try as hard to do something more original.
3-You could at least added one light texture in there, the icon looks kinda bland and bare.
#3 - Although coloring manga is alot of work, you must also realize that the way you present the colored image counts as well. The design is boring and shows that not much thought/creativity was placed into the arrangement of images.
03 - image is a bit too blurry and unclear
#3 : the icon seems to be too simple, as if there were no texture or light effect. I also think the lower image is too sharpened compared to the upper one.
3. I think the easiest icon you could do is that type of icon given the font theme. There is nothing really wrong it with, other than being boring.
-1 vote for Special Category
04 - image too sharp around the characters, but too blurry on their faces
5- I love the layout and the idea of the icon, but the picture looks like it's either over sharpened or you used too many textures on it.
#5 - I like the thought put into this icon, but the small picture of Gil looks to be a bit too dark.
05. The desaturated image is too blurly and it gives the icon a very messy look. Also try arranging the text placement a bit more; try rotating the text and putting the first part half off the icon or somehting like that, play around with it so you get something a bit more original.
07 - I'm not sure if the original picture was pink in the first place, but honestly I didn't find it fitting. And the text seems a bit strange. It would have looked better if you pressed caps lock when using that font type imo.
#8 - The picture of Heine seems to have been cropped a bit poorly. The top of his shoulders and the left part of his hair are too jagged.
+1 for Drop-Out
#9: +1 for Drop Out
10- the text, for me at least, is very hard to read. I think there's also too many textures, the icon seems cluttered
10-too much use of textures. Try to lessen them out next time
10: just too many textures. It kind of overpowers the image. Also, the text is nice looking once you can find it. its too hard to read.
10 - The use of textures confuse me - it's all messy and it takes away the focus on Kira. The text could also be more visible ^^;
10. The texture is very distracting, try playing with the colours of the original picture a bit more before you put the light texture on. Also the text is hardly visible.
#10 : I don't think the blurry texture is very well used on this icon because it looks like the image is not hight quality.The text doesn't appear very well.
For everyone who remains, dont forget to submit your "Female and No Black" icons!