High school kids love Drama. Lol. I'm glad your finally ..maybe..gonna be happier and not so depressed. Bitches will be bitches Robet Wayne Lol. We all need to let whats in the past go and start our senior year fresh when we go back to school but this summer will be awesome. Sorry I havn't hung out with you so much lately. You know I still love you. IN A FRIEND WAY! (thats for all you stupid people) Maybe we can hang out sometime this week. You have the number and I think you know what to do with it. <3-K*E*R*R*I
Hmm... Second paragraph is almost exactly my comment about a month ago... lol, better late than never. But not to rehearsal!!! You better be here in 20 minutes, and if not I'm gonna start calling you and thus blowing up any eloctronics near your phone. Wow, I'm random today. I feel bad for you three; I'm completely insane and ZooCamp hasn't even started... :-p
HEY BUDDDDYYY!!!!!! Im wicked happy for you...you guys are 2 awesome people and are purrrrfect for each other lol...well you know that i love yah like crazzzy!!!!! i cant believe we are SENIORS!!! AHHH and ireland is gonna be great with you...lupos tonight!!! wahh hoo...its gonna be ridiculous!!...hmm well what more to say...i would say kit but i mean come on ill be seeing you over the summer like whoa...lol ill ttyl amigo!!! luv ya! :) ~Baka~
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