so you'd stay with the gurl and like marry her or somethin?! shit i would just be like bitch get an abortion. JK...(kinda haha) umm and i KNEW KNEW KNEW u were gonna say courtney!! when i wrote that i was like i already kno hes gonna say courtney so i have no clue why im asking. haha oh well.
Comments 15
2) What was your first impression of me?
3) Would you rather have sex with Ms. Elmore or Ms. Tseng?
4) Do you have any good luck charms?
5) Would you rather be a prostitute or a beggar?
2.) Have you ever felt like none of your friends cared about you, if yes, why?
3.) Would you rather marry Mr. Crawford or Dr. Macdonald?
4.) What would you do if you could never play the french horn again and weren't able to do anything that dealt with music?
5.) What's your worst fear?
2.) Is there a friend you have (you don't have to list the name) who really annoys you that doesn't know it, and what about them annoys you?
3.) If you were a lesbian and had to date a woman teacher at our school...who would it be?
4.) Is there something you regret that you've done at PVA (or haven't done)?
5.)What's the best thing that's ever happened to you at PVA?
2. Who would you rather spend the rest of your life with, Mrs. Bonner or Ms. Nelson?
3. Would rather be a president who is a failure but everyone likes or one who is successful but everyone hates?
4. Why are you so mean to me?
5. What would you do if you found your true love but she was already engaged/married?
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