109 Reasons You (or your friends of the Male Persuasion) Should Date Megan
1.She smells nice.
2.Has her own apartment.
3.Would never force you to go shopping with her.
4.Doesn't have a bathing suit phobia.
5.Has a cute nose.
6.Will laugh at your obscene jokes, and even make a few of her own.
7.Will probably even laugh at your BAD jokes.
8.Your parents would love her.
9.Is a great snuggler.
10.Will watch almost any 'boy movie' with you, as long as there is something resembling a plot.
11.Chocolate is not the center of her food world.
12.Knows CPR. In fact, she is a lifeguard. And she teaches swimming lessons. And Lifeguard Training.
13.Enjoys doing stupid "boy things," like blowing things up, playing in fast cars, playing most videogames etc.
14.Nerds and nice guys are REDICULOUSLY sexy.
15.Can speak intelligently about Chekhov, and knows that his plays are indeed all about tea.
16.Does not enjoy the following: Oprah, Maury, Jerry Springer, Montel or any soap operas.
17.Is a very good friend.
18.Habla Espanol.
19.Knows the words to just about every musical ever written, but accepts that you may not.
20.It never takes her more than 20 minutes to get ready for ANYTHING. And that is a promise.
21.Has read Catcher in the Rye, The Fountainhead and Invisible Man.
22.Will read Maxim with you, and probably be amused by it.
23.Would love to make you dinner.
24.Does not read Nora Roberts or Danielle Steele
25.Won't expect you to be manly all the time.
26.Loves Christopher Guest and David Sedaris.
27.She would LOVE to hang out with your friends
28.Likes coloring pictures with crayons.
29.Won't expect you to call her every hour on the hour.
30.Her parents won't interrogate you when you come over.
31.Will never compare you to any of her ex-boyfriends.
32.Her car's name is Dora the Explora.
33.Uses words like 'Redic', 'Awes', 'fantast' and 'ex'.
34.Enjoys watching 'South Park', and 'The Man Show' on occasion.
35. She's too poor to pay for you both to go out on a date, generally, but will offer to pay her portion.
36.Enjoys hearing new musics, like Jump Little Children and Damien Rice
37.Can understand why you would be in love (well, in lust) with Angelina Jolie.
38.Has nice eyes.
39.Doesn't believe in excessive Public Displays of Affection, but wants to hold your hand.
40.Won't make you talk on the phone for hours.
41.Actually understands Pi.
42.Loves thongs.
43.Has a song for just about every word or phrase. Try her sometime.
44.Loves Salvador Dali, Dostoyevski and Woody Allen flicks.
45.Walks around in a leotard and tights AT LEAST two days week.
46.Rarely has homicidal tendencies.
47.Is NOT squeamish, despite what Blair says.
48.Has been known to kick serious ass at Crainium.
49.Is a vegetarian.
50.Won't try to change the way that you dress, even if she doesn't really like it.
51.Can speak intelligently about Basketball.
52.Doesn't mind if you check out other girls, as long as it is not the same girl repeatedly.
53.Will encourage you to do what makes you happy, and support you in what you do.
54.Won't expect you to tell her where you are every single second of every day.
55.In fact, she doesn't WANT to know where you are every single second of every day.
56.Loves her puppy.
57.Would never share anything you told her in confidence with anyone else.
58.Doesn't bite her nails.
59.Will drive places to see you.
60.Could possibly live on cheese, crackers and diet coke.
61.Knows more useless trivia then just about anyone... except Scott.
62.Shaves everyday in the summer, and almost as frequently in the winter.
63.Doesn't usually care if her clothing matches.
64.You know you want her!
65.She'd rather sleep with the windows open than the air conditioning on.
66.Wants to hang out with you and your friends.
67.Wears flip-flops when it is 30* outside.
68.Loves horror movies, but not for the mere 'cling-to-your-arm' factor.
69.Is faithful.
70.Won't make you watch chick flicks with her, even though she really does like them.
71. Does not desire a "hot" boyfriend, only one whose company can be enjoyed.
72.Has never had to resort to cannibalism
73.Keeps promises.
74.Is honest. Almost too honest.
75.Would LOVE to get all dressed up and go out with you.
76.Showers on a regular basis, meaning at least once a day.
77.Actually understands and enjoys art films.
78.Can make executive decisions
79.This is easily not the stupidest thing she's ever done.
80.Is not a prude.
81.Could probably kick serious ass if she really needed too.
82.Can admit when she is wrong (although she hates to do it.)
83.Donates blood.
84.But she won't make you feel like an ass for being wrong.
85.Can swear in several languages.
86.Is almost a college graduate.
87.Has the ability to 'render you helpless with her infectious laughter.'
88.Is Blonde.
89.Gets cold when it is 75* outside.
90.Knows what the word 'dichotomy' means.
91.Can use the words 'behoove' , 'condusive' and 'ensue' in the same sentence.
92.Has never seen a Bond film, but would change that if you wanted to help her.
93.Who wouldn't want to date a theatre major?
94.Is not any of the following; racist, sexist, feminist, fat, stupid, ugly, boring, anorexic, alcoholic, smelly, bulimic, rich, addicted to anything illegal, promiscuous, underage, a supermodel, sloth-like, currently dating or seeing anyone, unfaithful.
95.Has good manners.
96.Likes to think that she is a good kisser.
97.Is not a Nazi.
98.Will try anything once, most things repeatedly.
99.Is heterosexual.
100.Jennifer Aniston's married, Marilyn Monroe's dead, who's left?
101.Tries very hard not to say things like 'I can't eat that, it will make me fat.'
102.Would never expect chocolates, jewelry or roses. Some pretty weeds you pull from the side of the road or the occasional greeting card just because it caught your fancy is more than enough for her.
103.Will, upon request, massage hands, back, feet, quads, arms, etc. (If you have not had one of said body parts massaged, why are you not calling her right now?)
104.Can, and will be cute and girly if asked.
105.Is not married or pregnant.
106.Would flash "I heart U" signs to you when you need them most.
107.Would love to do nothing more than sit with you on her couch and drink wine and enjoy eachothers company.
108.Is passionate about her political views.
109.Can think of 108 reasons that you should date her, why don't you try to think of one?