Thought it might be useful to maintain a bibliography of books and stuff I've mentioned in this LJ. Possibly only useful to me, but there you are. :-)
Bryan, Beverley, Stella Dadzie and Suzanne Scafe. The Heart of the Race: Black Women's Lives in Britain. London, Virago, 1985.
Campbell, Harry. Whatever Happened to Tanganyika? The place names that history left behind. Portico, London, 2007.
Cecil, Lord Edward. The Leisure of an Egyptian Official. Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1921.
Collins, Patricia Hill. "The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought". in James, Joy and Sharpley-Whiting, T. Denean (eds). The Black Feminist Reader. Blackwell, Oxford, 2000.
Freeth, Tony. "Racism on television: bringing the colonies back home". in Cohen, Phil and Carl Gardner (eds). It ain't half racist mum. Comedia Pub. Group in conjunction with Campaign against Racism in the Media, London, 1982.
Hartmann, Paul and Charles Husband. Racism and the Mass Media: a study of the role of the mass media in the formation of white beliefs and attitudes in Britain. Totowa, NJ, Rowman and Littlefield, 1974.
hooks, bell. Ain’t I a woman? : black women and feminism. Boston, South End Press, 1981.
hooks, bell. Bone Black. The Women's Press, London, 1997.
hooks, bell. "Black women: shaping feminist theory". in James, Joy and T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting (eds). The Black Feminist Reader. Blackwell, Malden MA, 2000.
Kendall, Frances E. Understanding White Privilege: Creating Pathways to Authentic Relationships Across Race. Routledge, New York, 2006.
Mahfouz, Naguib. Palace Walk. (Translated by William Maynard Hutchins and Olive E. Kenny.) Black Swan, London, 1994.
Malik, Sarita. Representing Black Britain: Black and Asian Images on Television. Sage, London, 2002.
Roach, Jacqui and Petal Felix. "Black Looks". in Gamman, Lorraine and Margaret Marshment (eds). The Female Gaze: Women as Viewers of Popular Culture. Real Comet Press, Seattle, 1989. (Originally published by The Women's Press, London.)
Scott, Ellen Kaye. "From race cognizance to racism cognizance: dilemmas in antiracist activism in California". in Twine, France Winddance and Kathleen M. Blee (eds). Feminism and Antiracism: International Struggles for Justice NYU Press, New York, 2001.
Walters, Ronald W. "Barriers to Truth and Reconciliation in America". in The Price of Racial Reconciliation. University of Michigan Press, US, 2008.
White, Jerry. London in the nineteenth century. London : Jonathan Cape, 2007.
Yarbrough, Marilyn and Crystal Bennett. Cassandra and the "Sistahs": The Peculiar Treatment of African American Women in the Myth of Women as Liars. Journal of Gender, Race, and Justice 3, spring 2000, pp 625 - 657.