Thank you for sharing your talent and for caring enough about your readers to finish this story. The story is a wonderful, realistic depiction of the complex relationship between H/D. It flows together beautifully and the sex is very sensual...and yummy.
This is the first time I've read any part of your story, so I've just read it in its entirety from beginning to end, and your fic was lovely. Thank you so much for finishing it, even with the uneven bits. I'd love to read that conversation between Draco and Severus about Hermione and Harry... I was so happy that you threw in Snape/Hermione. It's always been a special favourite of mine.
Snape/Hermione was my very first ship, so I have a longstanding softspot for it. And yeah, this experiment of putting up unpolished fic rather than just abandoning it was more successful than I expected it to be, I think. I probably should have done it months ago, but it took a long time for me to get up the courage to just get it done.
I'm glad it holds up real to being read as one arc, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your comments!
I am one of the very lucky few who happened to fall across your stories today. I got to read them from start to finish and I feel very fortunate! I am going to friend you (if that is ok) because I never want to miss anything you write again.
Aww, that's so sweet. *blushes* As I said to someone up there, it's extremely gratifying to know that the arc holds together reasonably well, so thanks for that. And thanks for such kind words - I was really anxious about this so I especially appreciate it.
And you're welcome to friend! You should be warned, though, that I'm on a serious Percy/Hermione kick at the moment, so if that's not your thing you might be seriously disappointed. :D
It's so lovely to see this story finally completed. I just absolutely adored the previous parts and was prepared to wait however long it took for the rest. So this was a nice surprise. What am I saying? This seriously made my whole week. :)
I loved it, loved it, loved it so much, omg! The matureness of Harry's and Draco's characters, the beautiful dialogue and how it conveyed so much emotion and love, and of course, their physical need for each other - just all of it was perfect. Thank you for posting it despite it being hard.
Comments 40
It was wonderful.
I'm glad it holds up real to being read as one arc, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your comments!
And you're welcome to friend! You should be warned, though, that I'm on a serious Percy/Hermione kick at the moment, so if that's not your thing you might be seriously disappointed. :D
I loved it, loved it, loved it so much, omg! The matureness of Harry's and Draco's characters, the beautiful dialogue and how it conveyed so much emotion and love, and of course, their physical need for each other - just all of it was perfect. Thank you for posting it despite it being hard.
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