father of the year

Mar 07, 2012 22:11

In this post; covering the end of Naoto's Dungeon, and then some family bonding time.

Yeahhhh so. The female party members decide to be completely useless the entire time. Couldn't they have reacted at least a bit differently? Am I asking for too much?

Yes. Yes I am.

Anyway, Yu switches out a couple of persona, but can't hit Shadow!Naoto at all. And then becomes an old man.

Kanji is still awesome. Apparently him being showered by debris earlier prevented the age-gun from being used. The more you know.

Ahaha. We never get to see their faces, of course. But hey, they got to grow old together, and that's that.

Teddie also remembers he actually has a skill that can reverse the effects, which is nice. He does so.

FUCK YEAH MORE FUSING. Then he fused a giant bee and it was creepy.

And so the epic battle finished with an explosion. No training for them. Such a pity.

Naoto accepts her other self, and it's all good.

A couple days later and the gang all gather to get more info. Getting thrown into a TV is a great way to get to know people and all that jazz.

While being significantly more useful than the others (like the murderer being male, working alone, etc) they still wonder why Naoto couldn't be, you know, even more useful. She admits to being scared.

Chie: She is a girl!

And~ all my hate right there. What would they have said if Naoto had been male, or even identified as one? Seriously, I'd have rather they pointed out age over gender, but noooooooo

Times like these make me want to punch things. Occasionally. Not even dick!Yu from the camping trip annoyed me this much (maybe because you got to choose in-game).

Anyway, Naoto joins up /o/ And decides they all need to go to the hospital for a check-up, because they've been jumping into TVs. Also to see if they can find out more about Teddie.

They find out nothing.

Naoto takes everything seriously. And likes to talk. But hey, a love letter.

Yu then asks for her help.

He's got his priorities right.

ffffff it's a nice way to end.

Next episode: family bonding time.

Before Yu came to live with them, all they had was take-out. Actually, they still just have take-out, I think.

Dojima then leaves in the middle of things, because work.

Yeah she did. Thanks for the reminder.


Then they go to Junes to cram for exams. Nanako gets to hang out with Teddie.

no, don't inflate his ego anymore child

Once they return home, Dojima proves to be the best father in the world.

Nanakoooooo :(

Nanakooooooooooooo :( :( :(

Yeah, I'm surprised she didn't break before all this, actually. Maybe having someone around to actually listen once in a while (and be home consistently) made her realise.

She then runs out of the house. This, of course, is more than enough to make Dojima realise well, a lot of things, probably.

You better not go back to being a jerk then old man. Also, nice cake.

And family pictures to wrap things up. We will never see the mother's face. Ever. Such strategic lighting.

Next time: TRULY GLORIOUS THINGS HAPPEN. It's school festival time~

Episode 18 stats

His courage may be heroic, but he still can't go into the girls' bathroom. What was the point, then.

= persona, damn you html, anime, yay screenshots

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