[voice; filter: zelos]oheyzeusFebruary 26 2011, 21:42:27 UTC
Zelos. You do not suck. You might make the occasional mistake but I never, ever want to hear you say that you suck. You cannot be blamed for what the Titanesses have done or what they have made you believe. You are Zelos. Add a "motherfucking" before that, if that's what it takes to make it ring true.
[Filter: Bossman]seepassionFebruary 26 2011, 21:48:12 UTC
But it wasn't like - I mean, it was all this shit. Like it was fucking there. In my head. And it was real and it took forever and it was like some sort of horrible movie montage except, y'know, it didn't montage - it just dragged on like a fucking corpse tied to a tailpipe - and there wasn't some surround-sound system playing 'The Final Countdown.' It just sucked. For years, Boss. It was like decades of suckage. And I sucked. I was a fucking asshole. A fucking emo, punkass bitch and I sucked. Like a motherfucking Hoover.
Comments 20
I'll break in if I haven't heard from him for 24 hours.
I suck so much. And in the non-enjoyable way.
My door is open. I mean that.
I don't know what to fucking do.
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