I've added you back, but honestly the most writing I do nowadays is on forums or in comments to others. I do occasionally post but hey, life, you know?
Welcome to read - some things as you'll find are completely tedious, and others I simply won't talk further about (as is usually indicated) - and where you see any indication of ultra privacy that is nevertheless shared, that should be respected. Obviously (common sense).
You seem alright, and shamanism is as decent a place to connect as any. :-)
I am sleep-deprived, emotional and gullible right now. Is that for real? Noooooo! If yes, wooooooooooooohooooooooooooo, want one. Love the backing track too. Very French.
Wow. Invented in Linz, home of Wittgenstein and some other wrong dude whose name escapes me...
In Bright-on, we have a tangible horizon, and I do often wonder. Probably too often.
Good to hear from you again, you ole lurker you. Might be coming to the land of Bigness this year, if I don't end up in To-ky-o again just for the Bladerunning hell of it...
Comments 6
I followed you over from the shamanism group.
What a cool LJ. If you have another LJ where you post more of your thoughts, I would be grateful to have access.
I've added you back, but honestly the most writing I do nowadays is on forums or in comments to others. I do occasionally post but hey, life, you know?
Welcome to read - some things as you'll find are completely tedious, and others I simply won't talk further about (as is usually indicated) - and where you see any indication of ultra privacy that is nevertheless shared, that should be respected. Obviously (common sense).
You seem alright, and shamanism is as decent a place to connect as any. :-)
really really
it is a brave new world for you, and I
look out upon the horizon and wonder
In Bright-on, we have a tangible horizon, and I do often wonder. Probably too often.
Good to hear from you again, you ole lurker you. Might be coming to the land of Bigness this year, if I don't end up in To-ky-o again just for the Bladerunning hell of it...
Neato! I adore MIT items, I always wonder how/why they never go mainstream?
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