Meme/Survey from Adrian

Jun 20, 2008 15:51

You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you *should* already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

1. First name:
Samantha. No one calls me that, really, unless they're my relatives.

2. Age:
Twenty-two. I'll be twenty-three next January.

3. Location:
Right now, Kernersville, NC. It'll be somewhere in Maryland after August.

4. Hometown:
Kernersville, NC.

5. Occupation:
Out of work starving artist/soon to be student again. It sucks.

6. Partner:
His name is Alex, and he's wondermous, for all that his classes will surely kill him.

7. Kids:
Someday I'll have a whole slew of them, I hope. Just not now.

8. Brothers/Sisters:
A sister (19), and a brother who died this past February.

9. Pets:
Nana has a dog. I mostly ignore him.

10. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1) Moving to Maryland
2) Looking for a job
3) Flying for the first time two week from now

11. Parents:
They suck. Moving on.

12. Who are some of your closest friends?:
D, Alex, Lauren, Sparky, my church friends whom I never get to see. :(

13. Do you drink/smoke?:
I drink once in a while--not much, really. I've never smoked and I don't plan to start.

14. What did you go to school for?:
English--specifically creative writing. I'm going to grad school, hopefully in about a year, for Renaissance Studies. Yes, I am an unrepentant nerd.

15. Any bjds?:
Um, say wha?

10 Years ago...

1) How old were you?
THEN: 12
NOW: 22

2) Where did you go to school?
THEN: Atkins Middle School
NOW: Nowhere at the moment.

3) Where did you work?
THEN: Nowhere, I was 12. Child labor, FTL.
NOW: Nowhere, alas.

4) Where did you live?
THEN: Kernersville, NC
NOW: Kernersville, NC

5) How was your hairstyle?
THEN: Short, brown with heavy bangs.
NOW: Long, down my back, reddish-brown

6) Did you wear braces?
THEN: ...Yes...? I got them in sixth grade, I think.
NOW: Nope.

7) Did you wear contacts?
NOW: No.

8) Did you wear glasses?
THEN: Yes.
NOW: Yep.

9) Who was your best friend?
THEN: Um...sixth grade. Jamie Schmidt, oddly.
NOW: Lauren, D, Alex, et cetera.

10) Which of your pets was still alive?
THEN: Sandy.
NOW: We have Sid, but he wasn't alive then.

11) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
THEN: No one.
NOW: Alex. *insert girly hearts and giggling*

12) Who was your celebrity crush?
THEN: Drrp. Um...I cannot remember. *frowns in thought*
NOW: Hm...Paul London's cute. Insert obligatory Johnny Depp love. See also Robert Downey, Jr.

13) Who was your regular-person crush?
THEN: In sixth grade? I don't think I had one. Seventh and eighth was Brandon Ainsworth.
NOW: I'm happy with Alex, silly boy that he is.

14) How many piercings did you have?
THEN: None.
NOW: Four, but two are mostly healed, so...two!

15) How many tattoos did you have?
THEN: None.
NOW: One.

16) What was your favourite band/singer?
THEN: Smash Mouth or Barenaked Ladies.
NOW: Um, lots.

17) Had you smoked cigarettes?
NOW: Nope!

18) Had you got drunk?
NOW: I've never been drunk-drunk, no.

19) Had you DRIVEN?
NOW: Yes.

20) If so, which car?
THEN: None.
NOW: Let's see...I've driven Frankenstein, Spike, Natasha, the Gray Ghost, and...whatever we named Nana's truck.

21) Looking back are you where you thought you'd be in ten years time?
Hm...not really. When I was twelve, I wanted to be a lawyer, ha
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