Title : Stupid Cupid [2/2]
Author :
seetwopm Rating : PG-13
Genre: AU, Romance, Humor, Angst
word count : 3000 Words for this part
Pairing : Het!Jongkey, Het!Onkey
Warning : Semi-incest(?), Implied Rape
Summary : Jonghyun always thought that his little step sister was a little annoyance in his life, but he had no idea what happened to himself these
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Comments 41
Aww :( they can't be together because their parents are married *sob*
Good fic like always :3
Thank God he couldn't do what he wanna do~
Yes, If only they met before their parents did... T^T
aww thank you so much for the comment <333
glad you like it~
Anyway i really liked it ^^
I'll write the sequel, thank you for the req ^^
glad you like the fic~
and thanks for the comment :DD
and thanks once again~ :D <33
Wah this is good..i love het!jongkey and incest thingy xD too bad they couldn't be a couple :(
I really like it oh how i wish they would end up as a couple >< and live happily ever after huhu
Het!Jongkey is really adorable <3333
yeah, too bad that their parents were married :((
anyway, thank you so much unnie for the comment <33
glad you like it ^^
anyway, good luck y ama arsi ui nya
iyaaa, makasih ya kak ^^ <3333
otak kita masih polos kan ya, blm bisa membayangkan yg begitu *diterjang*
lg sibuk belajar ya dikau? =))
gatau napa bener2 ga bisa, baca nya aja juga ga bisa, bener2 hampir ga pernah sama sekali -___-"
iya T^T kemaren barusan latian ujian tahap 1
and why did their parent must married ? DX
Okay this is really good to start my day.*even tho now i'm late to go to school XP
couldn't they just go on a date or something?
Woa, you were late to school? XDDD
thank you so much for the comment bb <33
anyway, what should I call you? :))
fina is fine :D *it's my first name ..
ps: oh my god he just post that in me2day and you make it as your avatar.. cute >_________
thaaaanks <3
and LOL, our avatar is the same XDDD
that key's pic is really adorable indeed :D
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