Man, I just do not understand fashion. Not even a little bit. Although the strappy ribbon thing would be a cool Shandral mask. And if someone showed up wearing the solid stretch masks, I think I would have to ask them to leave, cause that's just creepy.
Something people who don't follow fashion tend to forget is that there's two types of fashion. One, is ready-to-wear fashions. The other is high fashion. These are clothes in the sense that they are made of fabric, and are on a person, but they should be thought of as art, because that's what they're ment to be. Nobody expect people to wear that stuff on the street - one, it's terribly impractical, two, most of that kind of stuff will fall apart after two wearings. A lot of those individual pieces are weird (really weird), but... think of it like an art exibit. Each collection is a gallery of paintings, and each model a painting. When you're looking at just, say, a hat, it's like looking at 1/4 of a painting in a gallery exibit, and saying "Man, that part of that painting is weird" witout putting it in context of the rest of the painting, or how the painting fits into the gallery
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