alright so i feel like shit and i need a game and it needs to be final fantasy 7 somebody please have it and tell me i can borrow it. otherwise its another stop for amoebamonday anyways love you all yaddayaddayeaahhderbahd hahaha bah
If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must reply with a memory of me. It can be anything you want -- good or bad, just as long as it happened. Then post this up yourself and see what people remember about you.
I havent felt this low in a while. It's really amazing how hard and fast old memories come before you even realize it. I really got knocked on my ass today. and I just want to be happy again
those of you who don't talk to michael lemerand do it... and those of you who do... do it more... and listen. michael is one of the few people that can make you feel a whooooole lot better with just a few words. so listen. take it in. and for fucks sake... just realize, mike is the man
Fill my eyes with that double vision, no disguise for that double vision Ooh, when it gets through to me, it’s always new to me My double vision always seems to get the best of me
-goddamn right i have double vision bitches ew literally