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Comments 16

ladylapislazuli January 17 2012, 12:09:32 UTC
Love this so, so much.


seiaa January 17 2012, 15:51:29 UTC
djklfasdf ;A; oh thank you!! I'm so glad you like it! :D <3


ceares March 28 2012, 00:58:35 UTC
was following this on the meme and lost the thread. so glad you posted here...I love deanoning! This was fantastic...very funny and sweet, with just the right amounts of angst and one of my favorite depictions of Loki ever.


seiaa March 28 2012, 18:15:00 UTC
dsjkld Oh thank you so much!! ;A;

It means a lot that you liked my Loki I worried about it a alot since I've never written for the Thor/Avengers fandom(s) before. So that means a lot!! ;A; thank you so much!!! :DDD I'm really glad you liked it! :D


xparrot June 21 2012, 07:39:47 UTC
Aww this is adorable - Loki on the Avengers will always be one of my favorite things, and eating Tony's cereal to boot (shaped like little Iron Man helmets) - ahahah!


mikkeneko January 24 2015, 19:21:00 UTC
Loki is the best/worst Avenger ally ever.


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