In Which Rebekah Rants

Oct 04, 2011 16:16

So this is really random and is only brought up because of random articles I managed to find while looking for something else entirely, though Disney related. This also has absolutely nothing to do with anyone in particular and if anyone has put up any blog posts or anything vaguely resembling this topic anytime recently I DID NOT KNOW and this has ( Read more... )

me stuff, rant

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Comments 17

driftwoodwings October 4 2011, 21:39:23 UTC
Oh man, get out of my brain. I agree with you. Rethinking about Tangled. The girl was brainwashed into believing that she could NEVER cut her hair. It wasn't an idea she could get on her own. I mean.. yes.. its still an up hill battle in today's world. We're making some process. (Tigress from KFP). Its slow.. its getting there. But I think some people just look for any small mistake they can and twist it around to be something else completely. That or.. you'll get a very strong female character (Winry of FMA from the Manga more so) and a lot of people hate the hell out of her because GASP she's the main character's love interest and gahgahgahag *stabs brain ( ... )


seiaa October 4 2011, 21:43:55 UTC

Yeah seriously, she would never have ever cut her own hair. I don't even think the thought would have occurred to her.

But oh yeah. we're making progress, and it's slow, but yeah. small mistakes get twisted and lolol YES exactly with Winry. Poor Winry.

Rofl. You ninja <3


YAY hormoooneesss. Lolololl I'm like. bleeding. So. >:| rofl. DON'T STAB ANY BABIES THAT'S NOT VERY NICe.

;A; I'm so glad you agree *flails around*


chieira October 5 2011, 01:01:20 UTC
I think that people are so desperate for a good, female role model that they forget that they're expecting the impossible. No one is a good role model all the time. I don't dictate my life by whether or not I'll be failing as a woman if I, say, let my boyfriend buy me dinner. And, as you pointed out, if I'm in a life or death situation, I don't care if it's a man who saves me or a woman. As long as someone kicks the crap out of the guy holding a gun to my head, I'm good.

In a movie, you have a very limited time to establish a character. You don't have someone's entire life to show the variation that is bound to be there. So I get that people expect that limited amount of time to establish the character in a favorable way. But I agree that people definitely go overboard. I hate how you can't just enjoy something anymore, you have to analyze it to death. If something is glaringly sexist, yes, I will be bothered by it. Naturally. But I'm sorry, I'm not going to sit down and watch and rewatch a movie trying to catch every ( ... )


seiaa October 5 2011, 01:45:42 UTC
Lol. THIS.


Seriously. There are just. There's just no pleasing some people :/ and I know people (oh god I know people, no one you know though xD) who just dig and dig and dig for anything to complain about under the sun. I haateee it.

It's just gotten to the point where a man can't do anything in a movie to help the girl without her being a damsel. >:|


chieira October 5 2011, 01:54:18 UTC
LOL. I know people like that, too. One of my friends did a feminist rant just the other day, and while I agreed with the majority of what she was saying... yeah, again, there was that looking for something to be wrong.

Poor guys. If they stand back and refuse to help the girl, they're assholes. If they help her, they're sexist assholes. THEY JUST CAN'T WIN.


seiaa October 5 2011, 01:58:14 UTC
Yeah seriously. I just. When an article or a discussion or a rant that has a REALLY GOOD ARGUMENT suddenly starts grasping for things it like. Discredits the rest of it. Kind of like a typo in a newspaper. Or a misspelling in something else important, even though everything else was great, it ruins it and throws everything else into the realm of doubt.


fadedfeathers October 5 2011, 01:30:36 UTC
True fax: Rapunzel and Tiana are the only legal princesses ajiogjasiojasdf that is weird to me


seiaa October 5 2011, 01:42:39 UTC
..AHAHAHAHA Oh God, you're right. ROFL. I think that's probably why Disney went SO OUT OF THEIR WAY to be all "LOOK. LOOK SHE'S TURNING EIGHTEEN" XDDDDD in Tangled.


fel October 5 2011, 03:14:08 UTC
I only have enough time to say: it's your journal so say whatever you want to say. If people are offended that is their problem...anyone who considers you a friend should know better anyway.


seiaa October 5 2011, 16:55:06 UTC
Lolol yes. this. XD I was being really spazzy and worried but for nothing because like you said it's my journal and my friends know me better than that.

P.S. I still love that Icon. with all of my heart XD


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seiaa October 5 2011, 16:53:49 UTC
*flails arms around* ALL OF THIS.

THIS. I just. History people. Context.

You read that part now and you cringe. But back int he day, the fact remains that Oz was a queendom, that Glinda was powerful and badass and that there was an army of girls. Thank youuuuuuu. Gah.

And on Rapunzel. YES YES YES. I mean, just. Yes.

Lol I CAN'T DO ANYTHING BUT AGREE because everything you said. <3


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