Title: You All Meet in a Cell Fandom: Batman (1960s TV Show) Characters: Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman, Joker Warnings: None. Summary: The future Underworld United gets acquainted. Author’s Note: Originally written for
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The takes on each character themselves make the whole series make more sense:
Thank you! ^_^ Aside Tut they seem to know exactly what they're doing, rather than conventional Batverse where they're insane, sadistic, or compulsive. That's part of why I write them as having different backstories and motivations.
sense in a universe that normally makes very little?
The show's characters have these odd moments of self-awareness, where even they know how ridiculous their world is. I like to think the Rogues especially have that, but revel in it.
"Or perhaps a victim of the societal assumption that any great act of criminality must be committed by a man, rather than the fairer and completely law-abiding sex which is obviously incapable of conceiving of greed and vanity.” He smirked and trapped his tongue between his grin-bared teeth when Catwoman's small nod proved him right.
Getting caught up on fic I've wanted to read for ages, and this paragraph--! It captures the feel of the show delightfully, and as always your descriptions of Riddler's non-verbals are so spot-on it's uncanny.
And I really love the manic teamwork at the end! It's one of those tropes that villains always undermine each other, but in this show they're much more likely to make an actually pretty good team, and I really liked the glee with which they threw themselves into it.
Comments 4
Thank you! ^_^ Aside Tut they seem to know exactly what they're doing, rather than conventional Batverse where they're insane, sadistic, or compulsive. That's part of why I write them as having different backstories and motivations.
sense in a universe that normally makes very little?
The show's characters have these odd moments of self-awareness, where even they know how ridiculous their world is. I like to think the Rogues especially have that, but revel in it.
Getting caught up on fic I've wanted to read for ages, and this paragraph--! It captures the feel of the show delightfully, and as always your descriptions of Riddler's non-verbals are so spot-on it's uncanny.
And I really love the manic teamwork at the end! It's one of those tropes that villains always undermine each other, but in this show they're much more likely to make an actually pretty good team, and I really liked the glee with which they threw themselves into it.
I do love buddy!villain dynamics. They're just starting to figure out that this is the sort of thing you can conceivably do for a living.
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